Faith Refined

Have you ever wondered if God sees you, if he cares about your troubles, or if he has a plan for your life? Many of us go through the motions of attending church, serving, and even giving, but our souls feel empty and God seems distant. In the book of Malachi, the Israelites are dealing with stagnant faith diluted by religion. In his mercy, God exposes their entitlement and disobedience, reminds them of his own faithfulness, and points them to the hope of a coming Messiah. 

God also wants to peel back the layers of our half-hearted Christianity and infuse vibrant life into our faith. May we engage the study of Malachi with honesty and courage, willing to lay down our entitlement for an authentic relationship with God.

Fire with Sparks at Sunset by Lake



God's Love for His People

April 7
Malachi 1:1-5

In the opening verses of Malachi, God reminds the Israelites of his faithful love for them. While they are stuck in a cultural moment of disappointment and confusion, God is at work in the wide world, preparing to send a Messiah who will deal with their greatest enemy of sin.


Corrupt Offerings

April 14
Malachi 1:6-14

Because he loves the Israelites, God has poured his heart and soul into making a way for them to be connected to him. Yet, they dismiss and disregard the sacrificial system, which reveals their shallow faith. May we examine our own offerings to God and consider how we can show him honor by pouring out our lives for him.


Corrupt Leadership

April 21
Malachi 2:1-9

God continues his rebuke of the Israelites’ apathy and disregard, focusing on the priests’ failure to represent him and care for his people. This chastisement reveals the serious weight of spiritual leadership and the interconnected nature of the body of Christ.


Corrupt Marriages

April 28
Malachi 2:10-16

God sees the injustice of many Israelite men divorcing their wives for economic gain, and his response is fiercely protective. Being a child of God means we are connected to each other uniquely, and we are called to practice faithfulness towards one another in a way that honors him.


Messengers to Prepare and Purify

May 5
Malachi 2:17-3:5

God continues to reveal himself to the Israelites by responding to their rebuttals. Like children who pretend not to understand what they’ve been told, the Israelites are proud and unaware that their acts of injustice are wearying the Lord. In his kindness, God attempts to reframe their perspective by warning that he is coming to judge and cleanse in order to restore them to faithful worship.


Robbing God

May 12
Malachi 3:6-12

The Israelites are confused by the distance their sin has created between themselves and God. Their disregard for the sacrificial system God has put in place demonstrates their allegiance to themselves. We too must consider how we rob God by functioning as owners rather than managers of our resources.


The Faithless and Fearing

May 19
Malachi 3:13-18

In this passage, we see clear evidence of God’s connectedness to his people. They can both grieve and delight him, even when they are not cognizant of his presence. May we take hold of the truth that the Creator of the universe is personally engaged in our lives.


A Blazing Righteousness

May 26
Malachi 4:1-6

The book of Malachi ends by describing the great and terrible day of God’s judgment. While the wicked are brought low, those who trust in Christ will experience freedom beyond what we can imagine. We can rest in the confident expectation that on that day, God will make everything right.

Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Malachi 3:1

Study Questions

  • WEEK 1: God's Love for His People


  • WEEK 2: Corrupt Offerings


  • WEEK 3: Corrupt Leadership


  • WEEK 4: Corrupt Marriages


  • WEEK 5: Messengers to Prepare and Purify


  • WEEK 6: Robbing God


  • WEEK 7: The Faithless and Fearing


  • WEEK 8: A Blazing Righteousness


Reading Plan

These daily readings will help prepare you for the upcoming teaching you will hear this weekend at Grace Church. These passages will create some context for the sermon by showing you Scriptures the teacher might be quoting and some passages that contain related ideas. Our hope is that as you follow this reading plan, it will help you become more defined and directed by Scripture.

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But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.

Malachi 4:2
