The Holidays: Challenges and Hope with Joey Altom
In our last episode of 2024, Scott and Whitney invite Joey Altom, one of our pastors, in the studio to discuss the holiday season and …

Pelham Discipleship & Groups
Welcome to the Grace Church Members Podcast with Scott Mozingo. When serving in ministry, we are often clear on the “what” behind the mission we are trying to accomplish and the "how" behind achieving our ministry objectives. Ironically, we can often forget the "why" behind the ministry we do.
The purpose of "Grace Church Members" podcast is to discuss discipleship practices in the life of our church and help our congregation think about why we do the things we do. We hope each episode challenges our members to be more fully devoted to God and his mission of making disciples.
In our last episode of 2024, Scott and Whitney invite Joey Altom, one of our pastors, in the studio to discuss the holiday season and some of the unique spiritual challenges it can present. Whether it’s loneliness, grief, family tensions, cultural expectations, or just being busy, December doesn’t always look the way we hope it will. As a church family, we want to set our hopes higher and look to Jesus for comfort and peace.
In our last episode of 2024, Scott and Whitney invite Joey Altom, one of our pastors, in the studio to discuss the holiday season and …
Pelham Discipleship & Groups
For Giving Tuesday, Scott and Whitney sat down in the studio to expand on the idea of generosity and how God designed us to be …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
Scott and Whitney get the chance to interview Fabricio Mendoza, who works with our partner organization in Nicaragua, Christ for the City International, and Wes …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
In this episode, Scott Mozingo is in the studio with Mitch Miller, the lead pastor at one of our local church partners, Griggs Memorial Baptist …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
In this episode, Scott and Whitney sit down with Matt and Ashley Gaymon who are members at our Pelham campus, lead high school student groups, …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
After wrapping up our teaching series on Self Made, we sat down with series co-creators Haley Barinowski, Scofield Foster, and Blake Payne to ask some …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
We’re switching it up on this episode of the Grace Church Members Podcast to bring you a diversified list of summer reading recommendations from 13 …
Lead Videographer
In this episode, Scott sits down with Mike Chibbaro to discuss the value of maintaining humility and curiosity throughout our lives. As an avid reader …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
In this final installment of celebrating Front Porch, we have three stories from volunteers in various roles. Kady Jacobs is a community leader who provides …
Lead Videographer
In the second episode of our Front Porch series, Whitney sits down with two residents, Nathan and Graham. Nathan talks about how Front Porch has …
Lead Videographer
In this episode, we continue our interview with Bernard Kabaru and Ryan Burns as they explain how our medical teams help our partners in Kenya …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity
In this two-part series, our friends Bernard Kabaru Mwangi and Ryan Burns join Scott Mozingo in the studio to discuss our 13-year partnership in Kenya, …
Travelers Rest Discipleship & Groups; Central Generosity