
Featured Events





Seven Arrows: Sermon on the Mount

TL | South End

October 1, 2024 at 6 a.m.

In this study, we study Jesus' Sermon on the Mount using the Seven Arrows Bible study method. This study offers an accessible, thorough framework that will allow us to engage the Scripture in meaningful ways as we explore Jesus' vision of what it means to follow him. 

Biblical Femininity

TL | Room 209 Upstairs

November 3, 2024 at 10:45 a.m.

God created every woman with a specific purpose—to be an ezer kenegdo. Scripture uses this word to describe a God who is our ally—a God who fights for us. We use the word Ezer to describe how we can uniquely reflect the image of God to others in a way that helps us be strong for others, rather than strong over, others. This is our common calling, but how we live it out will be …