Sermon Series View


“For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.”
Colossians 1:13–14

When God redeemed us, he granted us citizenship in his Kingdom. So here on earth, we are both exiles and ambassadors. As we explore what it looks like to live out this citizenship with hope and freedom, may we come with humble hearts and open hands.

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Political Action

While our earthly nation is characterized by tribalism, polarization, and fear, we can hold out peace and freedom because our identity is rooted in the …

Bill White

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Kingdom 1920 x 692


Citizenship is an identity issue. If we primarily identify as citizens of our earthly nation, then we fall prey to fear and anger—our hopes rise …

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

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In this series, we explore what Scripture says about being exiles and foreigners in a world that is not our permanent home. Even in the …

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

Ruth series graphic with Ruth walking through field of wheat

Blessings and Legacy

In these final verses of Ruth, God shows himself the author of an incredible story of reversal and blessing—blessing that is both intimate and universal. …

Scofield Foster

Downtown Campus Pastor

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