


Develop the local church and train national pastors in Kenya to lead their communities toward Biblical restoration.

Join me in my prayer for Africa: “May the Lord, our God, bless Africa and raise her to what she should be and do, towards Quality Kingdom Growth and Kingdom Advance, both within and beyond. AMEN!”.
– Bernard Kabaru

Kenya Camp
Kenya Camp


We Do

Grace Church has come alongside the local church in Kenya through pastoral training, economic development, medical camps, and leadership development. All this has been done to strengthen the local church through holistic ministry. Our partnership with Bernard Kabaru and the Life Empowerment for Transformation International (Lefti) has given Grace Church an opportunity to work with an organization that shares our vision – making mature disciples of Christ and equipping people for a life of spiritual passion. Each year, Grace has the opportunity to send at least four short-term teams to Kenya that are focused on pastoral teaching, church leadership training, children’s ministry, and medical care. These teams have served alongside members of local churches and pastors. Our goal in Kenya is to partner with local churches by training pastors and leaders and by equipping the Church of Kenya to address the needs of its people.

How you

can help

You can consider joining a Grace short-term trip to Kenya in which you would be participating in medical clinics. Spots are limited but available for non-medical professionals. As in Nicaragua, serving our Kenyan partners in this way enhances the relational equity that is so vital to our long-term success in the country.

View Upcoming Trips
Outreach Dental Clinic