Foster and Adopt

Foster and Adopt

Grace Church is committed to caring for vulnerable children through a growing community of foster and adoptive families, as well as supporting biological families in partnership with local organizations. Showing up and serving these children involves opportunities for all Grace members to engage in some way throughout each year. Check out these links to find out more about fostering, adoption, or serving families within this community.

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Senior Honor

We believe it is important to care for the seniors in our community with compassion and love. The Bible is clear that old age deserves dignity and respect, and we are thankful for the wisdom our seniors bring to the body of Christ. Through our Senior Honor ministry, Grace Church volunteers provide worship services, build one-on-one relationships, and facilitate other opportunities at elderly care communities across the Upstate. Individuals, families, and groups are all welcome to serve in Senior Honor.

Jump Start Logo


JUMPSTART’s ministry focuses on long-term discipleship of men and women currently in prison and those recently released. With thousands of success stories, they are convinced that with Christ, anyone’s future can be greater than their past.

Jasmine Road

Jasmine Road

Jasmine Road is a two-year residential program for women recovering from human trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. Jasmine Road has three social enterprise programs that give their residents meaningful work experience and provide financial support for the program.

Project Hope

Project Hope

Project HOPE provides a lifespan of services for individuals on the autism spectrum, offering programs that help families, open minds, promote inclusion, and expand potential for children and adults with autism.  Volunteer with Team Hope to support staff and families who are part of a clinic near you.

Piedmont Women's Center

Piedmont Women's Center

Piedmont Women’s Center is an Upstate organization committed to caring for women in crisis both during and after their pregnancies. Whenever possible, the hope at PWC is to prevent abortion through free pregnancy tests, OB ultrasounds, and counseling. A major component of their ministry is geared towards post-abortion recovery, but their desire is to see each woman avoid the bondage of abortion altogether.