Abiding in Christ: Navigating Discipleship in a Performance-Driven Culture

Abiding in Christ: Navigating Discipleship in a Performance-Driven Culture


In this insightful episode of The Grace Church Members Podcast, host Chris Rivers, accompanied by guests Scott Mozingo and Whitney Maness, explores the profound concept of abiding in the context of discipleship within Grace Church. The conversation dives into the biblical roots and practical implications of abiding, emphasizing the centrality of love, slowing down, and investing time in relationships for genuine discipleship. The episode challenges the prevalent performance-driven culture within and outside the church, highlighting the need to align actions with authentic love for God and others. It discusses the pressure to optimize life and encourages a shift towards understanding and immersing oneself in God's love as a motivating force. The conversation weaves together biblical teachings, personal reflections, and cultural observations, addressing the challenges of living authentically, finding rest in Christ, and resisting societal pressures.


  • Discussion on the concept of abiding in the context of discipleship within Grace Church.
  • Exploration of the biblical roots and practical implications of abiding, with a focus on love and relationship-building.
  • Examination of the challenges posed by a performance-driven culture and the pressure to optimize life.
  • Emphasis on the need to align actions with genuine love for God and others, challenging prevailing notions of spiritual growth.
  • Practical insights into the outworking of abiding in everyday life, including intentional reflection, loving well, and enjoying God.


  • In your own experience, how do you balance the demands of a performance-driven culture with the call to abide in Christ and prioritize relationships?
  • How does the episode challenge common perceptions of spiritual growth and the pressure to optimize one's life?
  • How can intentional, uninterrupted spaces for reflection be incorporated into busy schedules, especially during demanding seasons like the holidays?


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