Honoring the Elderly


In this episode of The Grace Church Members Podcast, hosts Chris Rivers and Scott Mozingo discuss honoring and caring for the elderly with Julia Eldred and Joey Altom. Looking at the topic from a biblical perspective, they explore why honoring the elderly is a discipleship issue. As we consider our calling to value God’s image in all seasons of human life, it’s important to think about how we serve our elders and why it’s vital for the health and growth of our church body.


  • Senior Honor is Grace Church’s ministry in supporting assisted living communities, both residents and staff.
  • Assisted living staff face many challenges, they are incredibly valuable, and caring for them is part of how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus.
  • There are mutual benefits of intergenerational interactions. Families, particularly with young children, can experience unique discipleship moments.
  • There are many ways you can get involved with and care for the elderly through Senior Honor.


  1. How do the Biblical teachings discussed in the episode influence our perceptions and responsibilities towards the elderly in our society?
  2. In what ways can personal interactions impact the emotional well-being of elders in care homes, and why might these be crucial?
  3. What steps can individuals take in their own communities to initiate or support Senior honor or similar programs?
  4. Considering the conversation on families and their interactions with the elderly, how might such engagements shape the perspectives and values of younger generations?


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