How Should We Think About Holy Week?


In this episode, Chris Rivers, Scott Mozingo, Brian Darnell, and Chris McGowan discuss how we should be preparing for Holy Week (2:00), what people can look forward to about our Good Friday services (13:58), and how we should think about Easter (17:00).

  • The week leading up to Easter, also known as Holy Week, is a season of self-examination, self-denial, and repentance. It is an opportunity to mourn our complicity in sin and Jesus’ death on the cross. It is also a time to remember and celebrate the conquering of sin through the resurrection. Holy Week reminds us of all that Jesus has done. In order to prepare our hearts, we should get into the Scriptures and take advantage of the resources and experiences Grace has made available to us.
  • One of the events that allows us to engage with God in a visceral, tangible way is Good Friday. Over time, this has shifted to less of a service and more of a drop-in time of reflection. The goal is to help us reflect on our sin, repent, and prepare our hearts for Easter. It creates space to remember who we are and what it took for us to be forgiven. Last year, Grace focused on Old Testament promises and highlighted the lives of five prominent Bible figures during the Good Friday reflection. This year, there will be a two-part experience utilizing Mark’s account of Holy Week and the crucifixion. A few chapters of Mark will be read aloud with a visual depiction, and then there will be an open time to pray and take communion.
  • As we prepare for Easter, it is important that we create moments during the week to search and examine our souls. Doing this work will allow us to fully embrace what God has for us on Easter Sunday. In addition to preparing our own hearts, we should also come with a missional mindset. Easter is a time where we will see many guests at our campuses. Having a missional mindset may look like coming to a different service to free up space for guests, showing up early to serve, taking opportunities to engage those around you, or simply being hospitable. Taking intentional steps to engage what this week means for us will allow us to show up ready to celebrate Christ’s work and reach out to those around us.


  • Brian defines Holy Week as a season of self-examination, self-denial, and repentance. What are some tangible ways you can observe each of these practices during the week leading up to Easter? How can you lead your family in doing this?
  • Observing Good Friday and participating in the experiences Grace has to offer is a tough but important practice. It allows us to sit in the sadness of the day, while remembering what Christ did for us. How have these experiences impacted you? Why do you think it is important to reflect on this day?
  • What is one action step you can take to prepare your heart for Easter Sunday? What is one action step you can take to create a more missional front for guests at your campus?


Mark 14-15

Psalm 22


If you have questions about this episode or you have an idea for a future episode, please visit the podcast page and click on "Ask Scott."

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