Suffering Well with Others


In this episode of the Grace Church Members Podcast, Jennifer Dill, the Care and Recovery Director at Grace Church, discusses loss, empathy, and the important ministry of being present with others in crisis situations. Jennifer has served as a hospital chaplain and a hospice worker, and she provides helpful insights into what it means to enter into suffering with others in a way that reflects God’s comfort.


  • Empathy goes beyond simply acknowledging pain, aiming to genuinely connect and feel with the individual in distress.
  • It is vital to be genuinely present with others during crises—we should strive for understanding and patience over hasty solutions.
  • Practical advice for supportive roles: be there, admit when unsure, and don’t judge.
  • Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and authentically supporting others in their moments of anguish.


  • How do you personally differentiate between empathy and sympathy? Can you recall a time when one was more appropriate or impactful than the other in a given situation?
  • Consider the four pivotal messages ("Please forgive me," "I forgive you," "Thank you," and "I love you"). Which do you find most challenging to convey and why?
  • What does being "genuinely present" mean to you, and how can the church community cultivate this level of presence for its members and beyond?


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