Why is Parenting a Discipleship Issue?


In this episode, Chris Rivers, Scott Mozingo, and Bill White discuss the important role of parents as primary disciple makers in their children’s lives and the need for intentionality and engagement from parents as they seek to train the next generation.

  • Bill opens with a discussion of parents as primary disciple makers. He reminds us that parenting is a responsibility given by God and we will one day give an account for the way we managed this task. As parents, our role is formative. We are constantly training our kids. Recognition of this responsibility should lead us to be intentional about the work that needs to be done. It should motivate us as we look for opportunities to teach our children what it looks like to follow Jesus in this culture.
  • While some challenges of parenting have remained consistent over the years, the game has changed dramatically with the consumption of social media and the intrusiveness of our current culture. Discipling our children requires a high level of engagement and a willingness to choose discipleship over friendship with our kids.
  • In order to disciple our children effectively, we need to build credibility and establish authority. This involves training our children to be happy doing something they don’t want to do. It involves creating a backlog of trust so our children willingly come under our authority. It involves creating opportunities around the table, at bedtime, and throughout the day to discipline, humble, and teach our children.
  • A couple of steps parents can take as they seek to be disciple makers:
    • Don’t overreact; stop and reflect. Own your responsibility.
    • If you are married, have a conversation with your spouse and get on the same page.
    • Seek counsel from biblical community.
    • If you have teenagers, share some of the things you are thinking and be vulnerable with them.
    • If you have younger kids, allow your imagination to be captivated and create a vision for what you want your family to look like.


  • Do I view myself as the primary disciple maker of my children, or do I rely on other influences (ie. church, family, friends) to train and guide my children?
  • What is one area where I feel I am “winning” as a parent and what is one area where I am struggling?
  • What aspects of my personality impact the way I parent? What strengths do I bring into my role as a parent? Weaknesses?
  • What is one step I can take to be more engaged with my children?

If you have questions about this episode or you have an idea for a future episode, please visit the podcast page and click on "Ask Scott."

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