Why is Serving a Discipleship Issue?


In this episode, Chris Rivers, Scott Mozingo, and LeeAnne Cavin discuss serving and the role it plays in moving us from an outlook oriented on self to an outlook oriented on others. LeeAnne defines the word serving as simply “giving your life away.” She emphasizes it is more than just filling a role or doing a specific job, it is an orientation of the heart. Serving has both a vertical component (“I serve because of what God has done for me”) and a horizontal component (“I serve because I want to lay my life down for others”). LeeAnne shares her own personal experience of moving from a church “consumer” background to a mindset of wanting to serve and genuinely caring about the people she was serving. She reminds listeners that as we strive to make the shift to an outlook oriented on others, we will begin to see the difference between discipleship vs. fulfilling an obligation. We will begin to strive for something bigger than simply preserving our comfort. We will begin asking ourselves the question: “am I serving because I have to or because I want to?” While serving is not always easy and it will often push us out of our comfort zone, it is critical to our walk with Christ. It provides us with opportunities to rely on Christ’s comfort and apply the Scriptures as we give our lives away for others.


  • How does my relationship with God shape my devotion?
  • Am I seeking comfort in my serving role?
  • If I am currently serving in a leadership role, am I modeling or prescribing?


So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship with Christ. That’s why I work and struggle so hard, depending on Christ’s mighty power that works in me. Colossians 1:28-29


If you have questions about this episode or you have an idea for a future episode, please visit the podcast page and click on "ask Scott." 

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