Takeaways: How Should Men Think about Participation in the Local Church


In season two, episode 21, Chris Rivers and Brad Walbridge, along with Matt Gaymon (a governing elder and member at Grace Church's Pelham campus), take a deeper look at the question, “how should men think about participation in the local church?” Highlighting content from Episode 19 of the Men at Grace podcast, they explore how allowing Scripture to define and direct us, looking for opportunities to move into what God is doing, and surrounding ourselves with godly men are just a few of the ways the local church can help us grow in our relationship with Christ.


  • Take some time to listen to Episode #19 of the Men at Grace podcast. What are some insights that stood out to you?
  • In what ways do you allow Scripture to define and direct your life? How often do you spend time reading the Scriptures and routinely coming under the teaching of God’s Word?
  • Can you think of a time when you saw a need in the church, possibly out of your comfort zone or area of giftedness, and moved into it? How did God direct you after you chose to take that first step?
  • Do you have godly men who routinely pour into you and cast vision for your life? How are you looking for opportunities to be that voice in someone else’s life?


  • Matt shared some key takeaways from a previous Men at Grace episode (#19) with Blake Payne. Blake spoke about the value of the local church and its role in building community, grounding us biblically, teaching us to come under authority, and maturing us as believers.
  • After listening to this episode and thinking through applications in his own life, Matt noted three insights. First, we need to be defined and directed by Scripture. This involves a routine, ongoing decision to put ourselves under the teaching of God’s Word and allowing it to change us. This practice helps us to look at ourselves and see where our lives do not align with God.
  • Matt also touched on the idea of finding an area/need in your church, allowing your imagination to be captured by it, and being part of the solution. Matt acknowledged his tendency is to move through the day and focus on the task at hand without a great deal of intentionality. Sitting under the leadership of the local church and being exposed to what God is doing around us is a constant reminder that there is something greater than our career, our marriage, our kids, and our comfort. Matt shared how a mission trip that did not go as planned and a decision for his family to step into fostering stretched him to trust God and to move in an area that was never even on his radar. He took the first small step and was able to see God move in ways he never could have imagined.
  • One final takeaway from Blake’s episode was the idea of allowing godly men to pour into our lives and guide us through life experiences. This idea of plurality and “men moving other men '' spoke to Matt. He began asking himself, “how do I surround myself with men who can speak into my life?” Additionally, “how do I position my children in a way so that other godly influences can pour into their lives?” This model serves to cast vision and allows us to get beyond ourselves and the limits of our understanding. It also challenges us to pour into others’ lives as this is being done for us.


One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing, to come at last to see you. For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours. Romans 1:10-12


Books: Church Membership: How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus by Jonathan Leeman


Teaching: Why is Local Church Important? With Matt Williams LINK

Story: Discipleship Through the Local Church VIDEO

If you know a man who would benefit from hearing this episode, share it with him. Having intentional conversations around these principles is a great way to disciple and help others move towards Christ.

Have questions or want us to discuss a topic? Email us at: menatgrace@gracechurchsc.org.

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