La Promesa del Espíritu
As Luke begins the book of Acts, he focuses on Jesus, the Risen King, who calls his disciples to move forward on his mission to …
El Inicio de la Iglesia
In this passage, we see the birth of the Church, which from its inception is an international movement. As God sends his Spirit to dwell …
Fe y Arrepentimiento
Peter and John begin the work of the early Church—healing in Jesus’ name and preaching the gospel. Their actions draw the attention of many, and …
When faced with persecution from Jewish leaders, Stephen seizes the opportunity to share the gospel. While his fearless love results in death, his sacrifice ignites …
Respuestas al Evangelio: El hechicero y el eunuco
After Stephen is stoned, the persecution of the church intensifies, and the gospel begins to spread throughout the world. Like Simon, some hear it, respond …
Lo que Dios ha hecho puro
Through the obedience of both Cornelius and Peter, God advances his mission to bring people from all nations to himself through the power of the …
Primer Viaje Misionero
When Paul and Barnabas embark on the first missionary journey, they encounter acceptance and rejection. And as the gospel takes root and spreads to both …
El Concilio de Jerusalén
As the church at Antioch grows, they face growing tension between Jews and Gentiles. Leaders meet at Jerusalem to work through the issue, and they …
El Segundo Viaje Misionero
The beginning of the second missionary journey is marked by tension between Paul and Barnabus. However, they are not hindered by their disagreement, and God’s …
El tercer viaje misionero
During Paul’s third missionary journey, God uses good leadership, miracles, and disruption to advance his kingdom. In his mercy, God meets the Ephesians where they …
Pablo con los ancianos de Éfeso
As Paul bids farewell to the elders at Ephesus, he both charges them to continue the work of spreading the gospel and entrusts them with …
El rechazo y complot contra Pablo
Paul’s experience continues to be rife with tension and suffering. However, he is committed to sharing his story and advancing the gospel. We also should …
Preservado para un propósito
Paul sets sail for Rome, weathers a dangerous storm, and is eventually shipwrecked. However, because God’s favor is upon him, that blessing extends to all …
Domingo de Resurrección: Camino a Emmaus
The days following Jesus' death are full of confusion for his followers. In this passage, we see two of his disciples grapple with unmet expectations, …
La Depravación de la Humanidad
In this passage, Paul begins his exposition of the gospel by first deconstructing the misplaced hopes of both the Gentiles and the Jews in his …
Justicia Falsa
As Paul addresses the Jews of the early Roman church, he exposes their false righteousness. They identify more with the law and their holy history …
La Justificación
In this passage, Paul reinforces the sinful nature of all humanity. However, he also pivots to the hope we have in Jesus. In his mercy, …
Reconciliado por Su Muerte, Salvo por Su Vida
In this passage, Paul unpacks the hope we have in Jesus. While we were his enemies, God made a way for us to be reconciled …
El Reino de la Gracia
Adam’s sin brought death to all of us, and we live in the reality of a broken world. However, through God’s gracious gift, Jesus has …
La Ley y el Pecado
As Paul continues to explain how a believer is transformed by the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, he unpacks the role of the law. …
En Cristo: No hay Condenación
One of the great themes in Romans is the choice we all must make—will we be controlled by sin or righteousness? In this passage, Paul …
La Gloria Futura
As members of the body of Christ, we can expect to share in the sufferings of Jesus. We also know that one day, we will …
We often approach Romans 9 with a list of questions regarding God’s justice and sovereignty, but Paul’s goal for this passage is to highlight God’s …
La Misericordia de Dios
The relationship between sovereignty and responsibility often creates tension in our convictions about humanity and fairness. Instead of inviting us to understand, God simply asks …
Una Vida de Adoración
In this passage, Paul urges believers to respond in worship with self-sacrificing obedience to the mercy shown to us through Jesus Christ. Romans 12 calls …
Amor al Prójimo
In this passage, Paul encourages believers to live in submission to God by yielding to human authorities, loving our neighbors as we love ourselves, and …
Buscando Unidad
In this passage, Paul calls for unity in the church despite differing nonessential opinions. For the weak in faith, those still trusting in religious systems, …
Una Ambición por el Evangelio
In this passage, Paul reflects on what he has shared with the Roman believers and on his future plans. He encourages them to be strong …
Juntos como Iglesia
At the end of his letter to the believers at Rome, Paul lists the names of many who have come alongside him and poured their …
La Futilidad de la Vida
The author of Ecclesiastes begins by introducing the writings of the Teacher, most likely Solomon. Solomon has all the time and resources in the world, …
Solo este Momento
Once again, Solomon brings us face-to-face with the brokenness and injustice inherent in the world. Even wisdom cannot insulate us from suffering and pain. However, …
Solomon continues his journey of despair, grieving the injustice of the world and the brevity of life. No amount of time, money, or effort can …
Envidia, compañerismo, inutilidad del poder
In this passage, Solomon addresses the emptiness of envy, our need for companionship, and the reality that status is unstable. While we are naturally bent …
Acercarse a Dios y la futilidad de la riqueza
As Solomon unpacks what it means to fear God, he emphasizes God’s power and magnitude. Our understanding of who God is and what he has …
Viviendo como hijos de Dios
In this passage, Solomon explores the beauty and limitations of wisdom, how we should spend our time on this earth, and what must be endured …
Esperanza para un mundo futuro
In this passage, Solomon offers wisdom around the ideas of avoiding foolishness, developing resilience, and leading others well. However, no amount of wisdom can solve …
Teme a Dios y guarda sus mandamientos
At the end of Ecclesiastes, both Solomon and the author bring us back to the foundational truths of this book. There is a God, and …
Fe en el exilio
The book of Daniel begins with loss and loyalty. As Daniel and his companions navigate the challenges of living in exile, they remain faithful to …
Deconstruidos por el amor
En este pasaje, Jesús mantiene una conversación con Nicodemo, un fariseo que reconoce la obra que Dios está realizando a través de Jesús. En lugar …
Jesús Sana el Sábado
Jesús crea tensión entre los dirigentes judíos cuando cura a un hombre en sábado. Al desenmascarar su deseo de control y poder, Jesús se presenta …
Pan del Cielo
Tras alimentar milagrosamente a cinco mil personas, Jesús descubre hábilmente los planes de la multitud y lo lleva a tomar una decisión. ¿Están dispuestos a …
Agua Viva
Durante la Fiesta de las Tiendas, una semana importante en el calendario judío, Jesús aprovecha el momento de celebración para predicar en Jerusalén, ofreciéndose como …
El Buen Pastor
Como Buen Pastor, Jesús tiene una conexión íntima con sus ovejas: conocen su voz, le siguen y confían en él. Confiar en la dirección de …
Ungido y Triunfante
La respuesta a Jesús se vuelve cada vez más polarizada: algunos lo aclaman como Mesías, mientras que otros traman su muerte. Los que le adoran …
El Camino, la Verdad, y la Vida
Mientras Jesús prepara a sus discípulos para su muerte, les hace una promesa extraordinaria. Aunque los discípulos no entiendan lo que les espera, pueden descansar …
El Trabajo del Espíritu Santo
Cuando los discípulos se enfrentan a la pérdida de Jesús, él les asegura que algo mejor está por llegar. El Espíritu Santo vivirá en ellos, …
Una Batalla Mayor
Después de animar a sus discípulos, Jesús camina con ellos hacia el olivar, donde sabe que será traicionado. Cuando llegan Judas y los guardias romanos, …
Jesús tiene claro que no podemos adorar a Dios y al dinero a la vez. Ser administradores y no dueños de nuestros recursos nos libera …
Oidores y Hacedores
En este pasaje, Santiago nos llama a movernos: a abrazar el poder transformador del Evangelio obedeciendo la Palabra de Dios. Este tipo de acción requiere …
Advertencia a los Ricos
En este pasaje, Santiago adopta un tono profético de advertencia y reprimenda. Aunque no nos consideremos ricos, debemos prestar atención a sus palabras, porque el …
Domingo De Ramos
Los acontecimientos del Domingo de Ramos inician el arco de la narración de la Pascua. Jesús reivindica su condición de Rey de forma inequívoca. Y …
Liderazgo Corrupto
Dios sigue reprendiendo la apatía y la indiferencia de los israelitas, centrándose en la incapacidad de los sacerdotes para representarle y cuidar de su pueblo. …
Una Justicia Incandescente
El libro de Malaquías termina describiendo el gran y terrible día del juicio de Dios. Mientras los malvados son humillados, los que confían en Cristo …
La Soberanía de Dios
En el Salmo 67, un salmo hermoso y edificante que expresa gratitud e invoca la bendición de Dios sobre todas las naciones. Exploramos los temas …
Redención Asegurada
En el capítulo 4, Booz sigue mostrando su noble carácter. En lugar de intrigar en privado para asegurarse su lugar como pariente-redentor de Rut, aborda …
Un Profeta Renuente
El libro de Jonás comienza con una misión impactante y un profeta que huye de Dios. Como Jonás, no siempre entendemos lo que Dios está …
Misericordia para los Despiadados
La historia de Jonás termina con ira, frustración y justicia propia sin resolver. Al considerar las cosas que compiten por nuestra adoración, que podamos humillarnos …
El Santo de Israel
En este pasaje, Isaías espera un día en que el Santo estará en medio de su pueblo y éste se regocijará cantando. En nuestro pecado …