Foster & Adopt: Echoing God's Unconditional Love in Today's World

Foster & Adopt: Echoing God's Unconditional Love in Today's World


In this episode of the Grace Church Members podcast, Chris Rivers and Scott Mozingo, along with Beth Drake and Daniel Black, discuss the Church's role in foster care and adoption. This conversation is framed by the nature of the gospel and Scripture’s call to support the vulnerable, especially children. Living out the gospel through fostering and adoption transforms children, families, and communities, and we hope you will join us in exploring this important discipleship issue.


  • Foster care and adoption are gospel issues—pathways for the Church to echo God's unconditional love.
  • The "Families Count" program, a faith-based initiative, provides critical support to families involved with DSS.
  • Idolizing a perfect family image can lead to judgment and hinder understanding of those involved in the foster care system.
  • Engaging in foster care not only benefits vulnerable children but also promotes personal and community growth.


  • How can you be more proactive in supporting both foster and biological families? What obstacles might you need to overcome to do so effectively?
  • How can our experiences with fostering or adoption reshape our perspectives on family and love?


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