
Featured Events



Featured Events


Summer Studies

What does it look like to approach summer proactively when it comes to your faith? The disruption this season brings to the normal rhythms in our lives is a good gift, but we cannot expect our summer to be fruitful spiritually if we go into it reactively. As you start making plans for this season, click here to find studies happening at your campus to stay connected this summer!


Care & Recovery

In different seasons of our lives we may find ourselves struggling with difficulties and realize that we need a little help to press on. As an equipping church, Grace Church views the struggles of our lives as discipleship opportunities—experiences that allow us to grow even in the midst of our pain. In providing different care ministries, we seek to provide environments where you can not only find the strength “to make it” but also move forward to a better place in your life and relationship with Jesus.


Men at Grace Studies

Studies that lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God.

Membership Events



Discovery is an orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership.



Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.