Worship Center
There are loud voices from culture competing for our attention, but we want God’s voice to have more clarity and power in our lives. This can only happen by immersing ourselves in God’s Word. We invite you to join us for Reading through Scripture, a weekly study where we will seek to develop the rhythm of reading Scripture and understanding how it all connects together. We will create a weekly reading plan to help us …
Tolly Room
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.
Tolly Room
Why is it so important to be generous? How much money do I need to save? Does my lifestyle truly honor the Lord? How do I get started with budgeting and planning? All these questions and more are addressed in Money Matters—a class designed to help participants renew their mindset concerning personal finance, become faithful stewards of the resources God has given them, and bring him glory through their money as well as their lives. …
Whitner Room
In a world that offers only toxic or shallow definitions of manhood, we must examine the Scriptures to discover what it truly means to be a man. What does it look like for men to lead and care for the people God has entrusted to them? How can we become men of substance who bless those around us? Authentic Manhood will lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move …
AN | Off Site
God created every woman with a specific purpose—to be an ezer kenegdo. Scripture uses this word to describe a God who is our ally—a God who fights for us. We use the word Ezer to describe how we can uniquely reflect the image of God to others in a way that helps us be strong for others, rather than strong over, others. This is our common calling, but how we live it out will be …
DT | Fellowship Hall
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.
DT | Worship Center
Re:generation is for anyone! It is a discipleship process oriented around life change and hope through the application of God’s Word. By working through 12 biblical steps of looking to God, honestly self-evaluating, and sharing with others in authentic community, people have found freedom from codependency, pornography, disordered eating, depression, substance abuse, fear, control, emotional/physical abuse, same-sex attraction, anger, obsessive thoughts, and many other personal struggles.Choose a campus and register for Re:Generation First Timers.
DT | Fellowship Hall
Several decades after Jesus returned to heaven, Peter, one of his closest disciples, wrote a letter to the believers scattered throughout the Roman Empire. As the believers' new faith disrupted their daily lives and invited hostility, Peter encouraged them to stand firm and fix their hope on the grace of Jesus. Join us this spring as we study 1 Peter and learn how to live as spiritual exiles in a worldly empire.
Fellowship Hall
Separation and divorce can be incredibly challenging, leaving you feeling isolated and unsure of where to turn. If you're navigating this difficult season, you're not alone. Our weekly divorce support groups provide a safe space to process the unique challenges and emotions of divorce. Through guided discussions and perspectives rooted in Scripture, you'll find hope, healing, and a supportive community to walk alongside you. Ladies, join us as we journey through the book, Living Unbroken …
Iglesia Gracia
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.Fundamentos es parte de nuestro proceso de membresía; se centra en los Valores Fundamentales de nuestra iglesia, seis áreas esenciales de la madurez cristiana y el crecimiento. Este curso está …
GR | Showroom
Join us for this 10-week class as we explore the message of Galatians and its relevance for our everyday lives as believers. During this study, we will learn about some practical Bible study methods and put them into practice as we read through Galatians.
HB Campus | Worship Center
As men, we were created to work. It is one of the primary ways we express being made in God’s image. This is a seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, where we explore the purpose of work, work in a fallen world, escapism, vocation, recreation, rest, and the redemption of our work.Thursday mornings at 6:30 AM
HB | Commons
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.Foundations is a 4-week class. Class dates are Feb. 16, 23, Mar. 2, and 9. Please plan to attend all dates!
PL | Student Center
There are loud voices from culture competing for our attention, but we want God’s voice to have more clarity and power in our lives. This can only happen by immersing ourselves in God’s Word. We invite you to join us for Reading through Scripture, a weekly study where we will seek to develop the rhythm of reading Scripture and understanding how it all connects together. We will create a weekly reading plan to help us …
PL | Student Center
Re:generation is for anyone! It is a discipleship process oriented around life change and hope through the application of God’s Word. By working through 12 biblical steps of looking to God, honestly self-evaluating, and sharing with others in authentic community, people have found freedom from codependency, pornography, disordered eating, depression, substance abuse, fear, control, emotional/physical abuse, same-sex attraction, anger, obsessive thoughts, and many other personal struggles.Choose a campus and register for Re:Generation First Timers.
Join us for a new Women at Grace study, A Praying Life! During this six-week study, we will work through Paul Miller's book A Praying Life to learn how to put into practice our Core Value of being Prayerfully Dependent. We hope you will join us as we seek to grow as disciples of Christ!There is no childcare available
Join us for a new Women at Grace study, A Praying Life! During this six-week study, we will work through Paul Miller's book A Praying Life to learn how to put into practice our Core Value of being Prayerfully Dependent. We hope you will join us as we seek to grow as disciples of Christ!
Join us for a new Women at Grace study, A Praying Life! During this six-week study, we will work through Paul Miller's book A Praying Life to learn how to put into practice our Core Value of being Prayerfully Dependent. We hope you will join us as we seek to grow as disciples of Christ!There is no childcare available
PL | The North End
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.We will meet February 9, 16, 23, and March 2.
PL | Student Center
As men, we were created to work. It is one of the primary ways we express being made in God’s image. This is a seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, where we explore the purpose of work, work in a fallen world, escapism, vocation, recreation, rest, and the redemption of our work.
PL | Children's Center
Why is it so important to be generous? How much money do I need to save? Does my lifestyle truly honor the Lord? How do I get started with budgeting and planning? All these questions and more are addressed in Money Matters—a class designed to help participants renew their mindset concerning personal finance, become faithful stewards of the resources God has given them, and bring him glory through their money as well as their lives. …
PL | Student Center
We all want to grow in our ability to practically live out a gospel-centered life. Compelling Women is an events-based discipleship opportunity for the women at our campus to gather, discuss, and practice various topics like prayer, Scripture memorization, relationships, and more. We hope you'll join us as we seek to become women who are more and more like Jesus!
PV | The Commons
Starting in January, we invite our women to join us for Finding God Faithful, a Bible study by Kelly Minter. The study will walk us through the life of Joseph in Genesis, focusing on God's sovereignty in the midst of suffering. We will learn how to see, trust, and be comforted by God's hand at work in seasons of waiting, confusion, and hardship. This 8-week study will start on Monday, January 27, at 6:30pm in …
PV | Multipurpose Room
Re:generation is for anyone! It is a discipleship process oriented around life change and hope through the application of God’s Word. By working through 12 biblical steps of looking to God, honestly self-evaluating, and sharing with others in authentic community, people have found freedom from codependency, pornography, disordered eating, depression, substance abuse, fear, control, emotional/physical abuse, same-sex attraction, anger, obsessive thoughts, and many other personal struggles.Choose a campus and register for Re:Generation First Timers.
PV | The Commons
A Man and His Wife addresses the challenge of masculinity and implementing principles of biblical masculinity in the context of marriage. This seven-week study, which includes an introductory week and six teaching sessions, is designed to give men a language to think about the core strengths and core struggles of men, as well as a tool to converse with their wives and other men. This study is designed for all men, whether you have been …
PV | The Lodge
In a world that offers only toxic or shallow definitions of manhood, we must examine the Scriptures to discover what it truly means to be a man. What does it look like for men to lead and care for the people God has entrusted to them? How can we become men of substance who bless those around us? Authentic Manhood will lay a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move …
PV | Y Space
Why is it so important to be generous? How much money do I need to save? Does my lifestyle truly honor the Lord? How do I get started with budgeting and planning? All these questions and more are addressed in Money Matters—a class designed to help participants renew their mindset concerning personal finance, become faithful stewards of the resources God has given them, and bring him glory through their money as well as their lives. …
SP | Converse Room
Launching this January, we are excited to offer Parent Equip Groups on Sunday nights during 24S/Forge (6-8pm). This will be for parents of any 5-12th grade student, and the goal is to discuss, challenge, and get in the weeds with one another around cultural topics that all parents are having to engage and disciple their students around. We will meet 2 Sundays throughout the semester - January 26 and April 27, with our first topic …
SP | Converse Room
This spring, we invite our women to join us as we read and discuss Women of the Word by Jen Wilkin. In this nine-week study, we will focus on both growing our knowledge of Scripture and developing our skills in understanding it. We pray this study will train our minds and transform our hearts.
SP | Converse Room
Our Monthly Parenting Gathering will seek to create a space where parents of 0 to 10 year olds are challenged with biblical principles and encouraged in community as they take responsibility for developing and discipling their children. This is less about teaching a specific parenting formula for this age group and more about helping each other cultivate connection, humility and responsibility in our children. Participants can expect a workshop environment with a variety of live …
SP | Converse Room
Cultural Christianity has taught us that being a believer means showing up to church when you can, giving if you'd like, and serving when it's convenient. But, what does the Word of God tell us it means to be a true disciple of Christ? Join us for Discipleship Culture, as we dive into the Biblical definition of discipleship. Each week, we will hear teaching on a specific topic before breaking off into small groups to …
SP | Converse Room
Our Monthly Parenting Gathering will seek to create a space where parents of 0 to 10 year olds are challenged with biblical principles and encouraged in community as they take responsibility for developing and discipling their children. This is less about teaching a specific parenting formula for this age group and more about helping each other cultivate connection, humility and responsibility in our children. Participants can expect a workshop environment with a variety of live …
SP | Converse Room
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.This Foundations class will meet March 16, 23, 30, and April 13.
SP | Converse Room
Our Monthly Parenting Gathering will seek to create a space where parents of 0 to 10 year olds are challenged with biblical principles and encouraged in community as they take responsibility for developing and discipling their children. This is less about teaching a specific parenting formula for this age group and more about helping each other cultivate connection, humility and responsibility in our children. Participants can expect a workshop environment with a variety of live …
SP | Converse Room
We are excited to offer Parent Equip Groups on Sunday nights during 24S/Forge (6-8pm). This will be for parents of any 5-12th grade student, and the goal is to discuss, challenge, and get in the weeds with one another around cultural topics that all parents are having to engage and disciple their students around. We will meet 2 Sundays throughout the semester - January 26 and April 27.
SP | Converse Room
Our Monthly Parenting Gathering will seek to create a space where parents of 0 to 10 year olds are challenged with biblical principles and encouraged in community as they take responsibility for developing and discipling their children. This is less about teaching a specific parenting formula for this age group and more about helping each other cultivate connection, humility and responsibility in our children. Participants can expect a workshop environment with a variety of live …
TL | Worship Center
In this study we will engage with Scripture in small groups using the 7 Arrows Bible study method. We will focus on three of the most prominent genres in Scripture: poetry, narrative, and epistles (letters). Four weeks will be dedicated to each genre, highlighting prominent characteristics and representative Scripture passages of each one. This study will build off the Story of Scripture study but is open to anyone. We invite you to join us Sundays …
TL | South End
We all want to grow in our ability to practically live out a gospel-centered life. Compelling Women is an events-based discipleship opportunity for the women at our campus to gather, discuss, and practice various topics like prayer, Scripture memorization, relationships, and more. We hope you'll join us as we seek to become women who are more and more like Jesus!During our time together we will talk about sharing our faith in everyday conversation. Breakfast will …
Taylors Campus
It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you have probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you have never faced before. Our grief ministry groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and …
TL | South End
Intentional time to connect, plan, and grow—this is what we all want in our marriages. Thrive is a new, quarterly marriage experience designed to help you create margin to prioritize your marriage, proactively avoid drift, and thrive, even during exhausting and difficult seasons. We hope you will make plans to join us!
TL | Worship Center
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly invites all who are willing to follow him, and that invitation extends to believers today. But who is Jesus, and why should we follow him exclusively? In "Behold and Believe," a seven-week women's study from The Gospel Coalition, we will consider those questions by exploring, interpreting, and applying Jesus' "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John. We hope you will join us as we seek to know and trust …
TL | South End
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.
TL | South End
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus repeatedly invites all who are willing to follow him, and that invitation extends to believers today. But who is Jesus, and why should we follow him exclusively? In "Behold and Believe," a seven-week women's study from The Gospel Coalition, we will consider those questions by exploring, interpreting, and applying Jesus' "I AM" statements in the Gospel of John. We hope you will join us as we seek to know and trust …
Travelers Rest
There are loud voices from culture competing for our attention, but we want God’s voice to have more clarity and power in our lives. This can only happen by immersing ourselves in God’s Word. We invite you to join us for Reading through Scripture, a weekly study where we will seek to develop the rhythm of reading Scripture and understanding how it all connects together. We will create a weekly reading plan to help us …
Travelers Rest
This winter, we invite our women to join us as we read and discuss Seamless, by Angie Smith. This book covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. As we move towards a clear and robust understanding of God's Word, we hope God will use this resource to develop us as disciples.Prior to the start of this study, use this link to individually purchase the …
TR | Glassy
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.Foundations is a four week class that will meet on February 4, 11, 18, 25. We do ask that you're available to attend all four sessions of Foundations, and reach …