
Featured Events



Topical Classes


Reading through Scripture

Worship Center

October 23, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

There are loud voices from culture competing for our attention, but we want God’s voice to have more clarity and power in our lives. This can only happen by immersing ourselves in God’s Word. We invite you to join us for Reading through Scripture, a weekly study where we will seek to develop the rhythm of reading Scripture and understanding how it all connects together. We will create a weekly reading plan to help us …


Cultura Bíblica

ES | Español Center

November 6, 2024 at 7 p.m.

El cristianismo cultural nos ha enseñado que ser creyente significa ir a la iglesia cuando se puede, dar si se quiere y servir cuando es conveniente. Pero, ¿qué nos dice la Palabra de Dios que significa ser un verdadero discípulo de Cristo? Únete a nosotros en Cultura Bíblica, mientras nos sumergimos en la definición bíblica del discipulado. Cada semana, escucharemos enseñanzas sobre un tema específico antes de dividirnos en grupos pequeños para discutir cómo vivir …

Harrison Bridge

Embracing the Empty Nest

HB | Worship Center

January 8, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

Launching adult children is a significant milestone in life, and it frees up a lot of bandwidth that many of us aren't sure how to manage. We are inviting folks who are in or about to enter this season to Embracing the Empty Nest, a study where we will discuss how to engage the church and leverage our resources for ministry during this season. This study will meet monthly from September through December.