
Featured Events



Travelers Rest

Care & Recovery

Grief Support

TR | Conference Room

March 4, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you have probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you have never faced before. Our grief ministry groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and …



Travelers Rest

March 9, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.

Discovery is an orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership.


Travelers Rest

May 4, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.

Discovery is an orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership.

Hurricane Relief

Hurricane Relief

Travelers Rest

February 15, 2025 at 8:30 a.m.

The aftermath of Hurricane Helene gives us an opportunity to engage with and serve our neighbors, care for those in need, and share the gospel. As relief efforts from the storm have continued, we want to support churches and other organizations in Western North Carolina. We invite you to consider joining a relief trip.

Hurricane Relief

Travelers Rest

March 29, 2025 at 7:30 a.m.

The aftermath of Hurricane Helene gives us an opportunity to engage with and serve our neighbors, care for those in need, and share the gospel. As relief efforts from the storm have continued, we want to support churches and other organizations in Western North Carolina. We invite you to consider joining a relief trip.

Hurricane Relief

Travelers Rest

May 3, 2025 at 7:30 a.m.

The aftermath of Hurricane Helene gives us an opportunity to engage with and serve our neighbors, care for those in need, and share the gospel. As relief efforts from the storm have continued, we want to support churches and other organizations in Western North Carolina. We invite you to consider joining a relief trip.


Thrive Marriage Experience

TR | Glassy

March 8, 2025 at 8:30 a.m.

Intentional time to connect, plan, and grow—this is what we all want in our marriages. Thrive is a new, quarterly marriage experience designed to help you create margin to prioritize your marriage, proactively avoid drift, and thrive, even during exhausting and difficult seasons. We hope you will make plans to join us!



TR | Glassy

February 11, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.Foundations is a four week class that will meet on February 4, 11, 18, 25.  We do ask that you're available to attend all four sessions of Foundations, and reach …


Refugee Ministry

Grace Church | Pelham Road

February 27, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.

Refugee crises account for one of the major global challenges of our time. However, where there is great suffering and injustice, there is also immeasurable space for God to display his power and love through his people.Scripture clearly shows God using his people to welcome the foreigner/outsider into his family, so we are making intentional efforts to aid and build relationships with refugees in our community.This event will focus on our vision of actively engaging …

Puerto Rico Mission Trip

Puerto Rico

March 15, 2025 at midnight

Consider joining us for our upcoming mission trip to Puerto Rico and experience God working among the people there! We will serve in-country with our local partner, Hunger Corp, to assist in rebuilding homes that were damaged by hurricanes and an earthquake in recent years. This trip entails long days of construction work; however, no construction experience is necessary. Men and women on this team will need flexibility, as we seek to meet the current …

Puerto Rico Mission Trip

Puerto Rico

June 21, 2025 at midnight

Consider joining us for our upcoming mission trip to Puerto Rico and experience God working among the people there! We will serve in-country with our local partner, Hunger Corp, to assist in rebuilding homes that were damaged by hurricanes and an earthquake in recent years. This trip entails long days of construction work; however, no construction experience is necessary. Men and women on this team will need flexibility, as we seek to meet the current …

Special Needs & Disabilities

Mosaic Family Day Retreat

Pelham Campus

February 22, 2025 at 9 a.m.

Family registration for the Mosaic Family Day Retreat is open now! Registration closes on 2/16 at midnight. We are hosting the Mosaic Family Day Retreat at the Pelham campus on Saturday, February 22, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm! This retreat is for all families caring for an individual with a disability or special need. Our goal is to provide care and resources, build community, and encourage families in our church who care for individuals with disabilities.During the …

Mosaic Family Day Retreat - Volunteers

Pelham Campus

February 22, 2025 at 9 a.m.

Volunteer registration for the Mosaic Family Day Retreat is open now! Registration closes on February 16 at midnight.We are hosting the Mosaic Family Day Retreat at the Pelham campus on Saturday, February 22! This retreat is for all families caring for an individual with a disability or special need. Our goal is to provide care and resources, build community, and encourage families in our church who care for individuals with disabilities.Volunteer opportunities for this event …

Supper Club

Pelham, Harrison Bridge, Travelers Rest, & Powdersville campuses

March 28, 2025 at 6 p.m.

Supper Club is an event at our Pelham, Powdersville, and Travelers Rest Campuses for students (5th grade and older) and adults (post-high school) in Mosaic. Parents and caregivers drop off their children at the hosting campus for a night of fun! We eat dinner, play games, and fellowship as a community! This is a great opportunity for caregivers to reconnect, rest, and have some alone time.We ask that participants have attended Grace 1-2 times in …