Griggs Church Local Outreach Partner

Griggs Church Local Outreach Partner

Culturally Engaged

One of our local Outreach partners is Griggs Church, located in the historical Poe Mill neighborhood of Greenville, which has seen economic downturn since the mill’s closing in the 1970s. Our work with Griggs includes providing manpower to run a three-week summer day camp for children in the Poe Mill area with Grace Church Student volunteers.

Our Downtown campus also serves Griggs through the year—home groups bring and serve meals to help with their Neighborhood Outreach program, and many volunteers serve in other ways by simply helping out with tasks like cleaning the church.

One home group connected to Griggs recently found out that their church van needed to be replaced. So, they organized a craft sale to raise funding to help with the cost, and they were able to contribute over $5,000!

Home group leaders Jake and Olivia Sinopoli shared this with us about how this project came to fruition:

A few months ago I heard the volunteers at Griggs pray for a new van. Almost instantly, I thought of the idea to paint some canvases and raise money for them. After buying all the supplies, I nearly talked myself out of doing it. I felt like it was silly, and what if it failed? What would people think? How much money could I raise anyways? With what time? The next day, I sat through the sermon on James 2. It was obvious that God was calling me to obey and use my talents to serve others. Once I started painting, it was evident all along the way that the Holy Spirit was at work in this project. The community really came together to make this a reality!

Griggs Van Story

What a beautiful picture of the interconnected nature of the Church! We are thankful for everyone who helped in this effort, and we hope to continue to support our local communities in tangible ways.

To learn more about local outreach opportunities, click below.