Front Porch Housing Update

Front Porch Housing Update

Culturally Engaged

Grace Church has been supporting and partnering with Front Porch Housing since before its launch in 2022. We are excited to be able to look back on 2023 and thank God for all the ways we have seen the residents of FPH flourish. Here are a few numbers to give you an idea of what has happened this year!

In 2023, 9 residents obtained GEDs, and 46 completed Money Matters and are participating in our monthly savings match program. The Front Porch Legal Clinic launched and has already served 59 individuals. The Front Porch Counseling Center continues to provide support for residents and community members and has grown to 11 counselors with appointments in the evenings and weekends to overcome access barriers. Partner ministries, volunteers, and staff led 260 classes and events for residents this year. After-school care launched this fall and is averaging 15 students daily. Over the break, 25-30 children attended Winter Camp.

Each number represents residents and their families who came to Front Porch needing support and community, and we are thankful to be part of what God is doing through FPH. We hope you will join us in prayer for another fruitful year at Front Porch. To learn more about how you can be involved, click below.