Front Porch Housing Two-Year Anniversary

Front Porch Housing Two-Year Anniversary

Culturally Engaged

This month, Front Porch Housing marked their two-year anniversary with a car show! It was a great time for residents and members of the community to come out, see some cool cars, and learn about the importance of reliable transportation. Many of our members volunteered at the car show, and many others volunteer regularly in other areas, such as tutoring, after school care, financial counseling, and more. We are so thankful to partner with Front Porch in their mission to help families and individuals by providing a supportive housing community.

front porch housing car show

As our friends at Front Porch reflected and celebrated the past two years of God’s work, they shared these numbers and resident testimonies with us.


3 homes purchased after graduation

5 GEDs obtained

9 cars donated

16 independent leases obtained after graduation

20 residents currently enrolled in college

20 resident supporters

21 program graduations since May 2022

60 savings match accounts opened

63 Money Matters graduates

114 counseling referrals to FPCC

152 children and adults in supportive housing

208 total move-ins


“Front Porch Housing has allowed me to begin healing from the emotional and spiritual trauma that I have endured. It has allowed me to focus on the endearing love of Christ through a loving, nurturing community.”

“Front Porch Housing is truly a gift from God! It has helped me grow in faith, be financially stable, and maintain my sobriety in my recovery journey—with a top-notch staff that is so caring and great people. I am so thankful to call Front Porch my home and Grace my church.”

We are praising God for all he has done through Front Porch Housing! If you are interested in volunteering or giving to Front Porch, click below to visit their website. Also be sure to give them a follow on social media and subscribe to their newsletter to stay in the loop!