Moms for Moms Fosters Community of Mentors

Moms for Moms Fosters Community of Mentors

Faithfully Gathered
Moms for Moms Opens Doors for Discipleship

We believe that discipleship happens in the context of community. However, there are certain seasons of life when finding that community can be particularly challenging. If you are a mom with young children, you know who isolating that season can be, but that doesn't have to be the case.

This past year, we were excited to launch Moms for Moms, a year-long discipleship program for moms who have any children between the ages of 0-5. Over the course of the year, over a hundred women, both moms and mentors, participated across four campuses (Powdersville, Taylors, Pelham, and a lunch group for working moms Downtown). Each semester, participants read a book focused on spiritual formation together, engaged in group discussion, received mentorship, and simply enjoyed connecting with one another.

What a blessing to see women come together and point one another towards Christ. If you are interested in Moms for Moms, registration for the new year will open in July. Be sure you are subscribed to Stuff That Matters and your campus newsletter in order to receive updates about Moms for Moms and other discipleship opportunities.