Night of Prayer Points Us to God's Provision

Night of Prayer Points Us to God's Provision

Prayerfully Dependent

Over the past year and a half, we’ve been using Night of Prayer to focus on the Lord’s Prayer in our Teach Us to Pray series. It’s been both challenging and encouraging to examine this passage line by line, allowing the Scripture to shape how we think about prayer. This fall, we focused on “Give us this day our daily bread,” which points us to God’s daily provision and our need for him and each other.

Some of our members had this to say about what they’ve learned through Teach Us to Pray:

The "Give us" in the Lord's Prayer reminds me that I am God's creature, under the reign and in need of an all-knowing, caring Creator, Savior, and Lord. When I pray and God answers (in whatever way he does), I’m reminded that good things don’t come from self-dependence or performance, but a daily relationship with and reliance on the Lord. He knows best and has been faithfully answering my prayers for almost 24 years now—and even before I was born! Why would he fail now?" —Jess Tietz

The use of plural pronouns (our, we, us) in the Lord's Prayer reminds me that I can't do life alone. As I get older, it’s tempting for me to isolate, and the Lord‘s Prayer reminds me that I need to be in community. At times, I need to force myself into it. I need others to keep me in check. —John Childress

If you would like to go back and watch a previous teaching from our Teach Us to Pray series, be sure and visit the Night of Prayer resource page. There, you can also find additional resources and prompts to help you establish regular rhythms of prayer in your life. Click below to learn more.

Night of Prayer Service
Night of Prayer Service
Night of Prayer Worship Team
Congregation Praying at Night of Prayer