Veterans Ministry
Late in 2023, our Spartanburg campus launched a new ministry for veterans. These men and women, particularly those who have experienced combat, often feel isolated when they return to civilian life. One of our members at Spartanburg, Rich Brown, returned from active duty in the Army Guard after a 16-month deployment and felt this gap in his own life. While he was attending and involved at church, he still felt disconnected. And as he processed this with church staff, the idea for a veterans ministry emerged.

The veterans ministry now meets every other month; they are hearing special speakers, talking about identity, and processing the challenges of transitioning from military to civilian life. Most importantly, participants are able to navigate these topics in the context of community. Rich shared with us:
“Two service members told me they didn’t fit in until this ministry started and they were able to connect to other veterans. Being able to connect with others is vital—someone can finally identify with me, and I’m not alone even though I sit in a congregation with hundreds of others.”
As the ministry grows, leaders are reaching out to include deputies and first responders. We pray that God would continue to use this community as a catalyst for individual growth and healing. If you would like to learn more about the veterans ministry, please reach out to Rich Brown at