Wrapping Up Teach Us to Pray Series

Wrapping Up Teach Us to Pray Series

Prayerfully Dependent

Over the past two years, we have been dedicating our times together during Night of Prayer to learning about the Lord’s Prayer. This past month, we ended the Teach Us to Pray series by focusing on the phrase, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” It was grounding to come together as a church body and reorient ourselves around our need for God and our dependence on him for everything. Campuses also had the opportunity to focus on specific needs related to their members and outreach partners. We are thankful for this time to unify our voices as a church body and seek God together.

If you missed an installment of this series or would like more resources on prayer, click below to find past teaching, prayer prompts, and other resources on our Teach Us to Pray webpage.

Night of Prayer Fall 23
Night of Prayer Fall 23
Night of Prayer Fall 23
Night of Prayer Fall 23