SP | Converse Room
Discovery is an orientation to our church that provides you with information about our mission, core values, ministry distinctives, and the benefits of a local church. It is also the starting point for you to connect at Grace Church to groups, volunteer ministry teams, and membership.
Spartanburg | Converse Room
Intentional time to connect, plan, and grow—this is what we all want in our marriages. Thrive is a new, quarterly marriage experience designed to help you create margin to prioritize your marriage, proactively avoid drift, and thrive, even during exhausting and difficult seasons. We hope you will make plans to join us!Thrive Marriage Experience is a quarterly workshop designed to help you and your spouse slow down, recalibrate your mindsets to be rooted in grace, …
Spartanburg | Converse Room
Foundations is part of our membership process focusing on our church’s Core Values, six essential areas of Christian maturity and growth. This course is open to anyone at Grace Church who has attended Discovery. During Foundations, you will learn more about next steps towards church membership.
Front Porch Housing
Join us as we come together to increase awareness of supportive housing, raise funding for supportive services, and celebrate our community. The Race for a Place is a 5K race around the Front Porch property and neighboring Greenville Technical Campus for runners, walkers, donors, and/ or supporters. REGISTER HERE
Grace Church Taylors Campus
Please join us for a Night of Stories on Thursday, October 10 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, at the Taylors Campus to hear the testimonies of other families from the church regarding their foster and adoption journey. We hope that through hearing their stories of both the joys and the challenges of foster care and adoption, it will spur others on to consider what it would look like to pursue a similar journey of …
Grace Church | Taylors Campus
CHILDCARE REGISTRATION: You are invited to join us for this special evening, as a few Grace Church Foster & Adopt families share how God is at work through their fostering and adoption journeys. These members will share about the WHY that compels them to serve others in this way.If you are interested in learning more about the foster licensing or adoption process, this event is a great starting point. We will share details about children's needs …
Grace Church | Pelham Road
We would like to invite your family to join us in a pilot support group for Taylors Campus adoptive families. Tim and Alison Landreth will facilitate the group using curriculum from Replanted Ministries, and you can learn more about the group here. We will meet the 2nd Thursday of each month for 9 months starting in September from 6-8 at our Pelham campus. We will also have mentor groups for your children, as the video …
Harrison Bridge, Pelham, Powdersville, & Travelers Rest Campuses
Supper Club is an event at our Pelham, Powdersville, and Travelers Rest Campuses for students (5th grade and older) and adults (post-high school) in Mosaic. Parents and caregivers drop off their children at the hosting campus for a night of fun! We eat dinner, play games, and fellowship as a community! This is a great opportunity for caregivers to reconnect, rest, and have some alone time.We ask that participants have attended Grace 1-2 times in …
Harrison Bridge, Pelham, Powdersville, & Travelers Rest Campuses
Respite Night is an event at our Pelham, Powdersville, Harrison Bridge, and Travelers Rest Campuses for children in 4th grade and under in Mosaic and their siblings. Parents and caregivers drop off their children at the hosting campus for a night of fun! We eat dinner, play games, do crafts, and watch different movies! This is a great opportunity for caregivers to reconnect, rest, and have some alone time.We ask that participants have attended Grace …
Costa Rica
November 23 - 29, 2024Our rising seniors will have the opportunity to serve alongside Filter of Hope in distributing water filters to vulnerable communities and sharing the gospel as they have opportunity.Team member's cost for this trip is $2,000 which includes airfare, lodging, and meals. Travel and fundraising information is available once you apply and are accepted on a mission team.Mission Trip Application | Mission Trip FAQ's
SP | Worship Center
This registration is for childcare during the Colossians Part One series. Please note, childcare is for children fourth grade and below. Adult registration is not required for the Colossians Part One series.
Spartanburg | Worship Center
We all want to grow in our ability to practically live out a gospel-centered life. The Spartanburg Women's Gathering is an events-based discipleship opportunity for the women at our campus to gather, discuss, and practice various topics like prayer, Scripture memorization, relationships, and more. Our first event happens on Monday, September 23 from 6:30-8:30 PM. We will focus on Bible Study Methods. We hope you'll join us as we seek to become women who are …
Spartanburg | Worship Center
Praying together is an expression of our dependence on God both individually and as a church body, and we want to be intentional in spending time in prayer with one another. So make plans to join us for a Prayer Gathering in October. We will take time to pray for campus needs, one another, and our local community.