We Choose

We Choose is our ministry plan—it provides a framework for our church to pursue spiritual health and advance God's Kingdom both within and outside of our local congregations. We believe our mission of making disciples is intertwined with serving our communities at home and the global church.

Pelham compelling women weekend
Prayerfully Dependent

Compelling Women | Learning to Pray

February 4, 2025

We all want to grow in our ability to practically live out a gospel-centered life. Compelling Women is an events-based discipleship opportunity for the women at our church to gather, discuss, and practice various topics like prayer, Scripture memorization, relationships, and more. Multiple campuses have been hosting Compelling Women events, following a "learn and do" pattern, where women learn something practical that can develop them in reflecting God's glory.

Scott and Katie Lyons
Faithfully Gathered

Stories of Life Change

January 29, 2025

Sharing stories of life change is one way we testify to God's faithfulness in our lives, connect with one another, and strengthen the unity of the church. Over the past few weeks, we've had several members share stories of what God is teaching them. We are thankful for their willingness to be vulnerable, and we pray that God would continue to work in and through their stories.

Front Porch Housing Podcast Background Image
Culturally Engaged

Front Porch Housing | A Year in Review

January 22, 2025

One of our local partners is Front Porch Housing, and they recently shared some year-end reflections in their newsletter! God is working in exciting ways through this supportive housing community, and we hope you will take time to read the update below and prayerfully consider how you can come alongside and serve—whether through prayer, volunteering, or donations.

jumpstart opportunity center
Culturally Engaged

JUMPSTART Opens Opportunity Center

January 15, 2025

One of our ministry partners is JUMPSTART—a gospel-centered organization that disciples current and former prisoners and assists with re-entry to society. Over two million people are currently incarcerated in the United States, and of those two million, 95% will be released back into our communities. We believe that gospel-centered discipleship is the solution to help those incarcerated find purpose and a productive life after prison.

DSS Christmas party
Culturally Engaged

Pelham Hosts DSS Christmas Party

January 8, 2025

One way we seek to build pathways for the vulnerable in our community is through supporting our local DSS workers. This happens in many ways throughout the year, and in December, the Pelham campus hosted a Christmas party for Greenville County DSS, and 150 workers attended!

Culturally Engaged

Hurricane Relief Continues

December 20, 2024

Over the past few months, all our campuses have worked in various ways to support our communities and those in Western North Carolina who were impacted by Hurricane Helene. From wielding chainsaws and driving backhoes to donating gift cards to help restock refrigerators, God is working through his people to show his love in tangible ways.

Ministry Focused

Speirō | Growing in Leadership

December 10, 2024

“You will always harvest what you plant.” These words from the apostle Paul in Galatians 6 are powerful—you reap what you sow. Speirō is the Greek word meaning “to sow,” and it represents our eight-month leadership program for young men and women in their early to mid-twenties.

Women at Grace_Newsletter-1
Ministry Focused

Women at Grace Newsletter

December 3, 2024

Did you know our women’s ministry has a bi-monthly newsletter? The Women at Grace newsletter is written by a team of volunteers and staff members who take a big idea and explore it over the course of a year or more. Currently, they are working through the concept of choosing the truth over lies. In each newsletter, we look to Scripture, hear from some of our women, and take time to reflect and apply God’s Word to our lives.

Student retreat
Ministry Focused

Student Retreats Recap

November 27, 2024

Most of our Student Retreats have already taken place this fall, with our 9th and 10th grade retreat coming up the first weekend of December. These retreats always represent a unique opportunity to pull our students out of their cultural context and provide focused time spent learning from God’s Word.