All Grace Church campuses will have normal service times this weekend, October 5–6. Please check your campus social media or email communication for additional details.




OVC Kenya is a partnership program that provides sustainable support and promotes long-term relationships with orphans and vulnerable children in Kenya. Through our partnership with Bernard Kabaru and local churches in Limuru, Kenya, we are helping expand an existing program that provides physical, academic, and relational support to children in need within each church’s local community.

Not only are these children provided with an education, they have the opportunity to develop life skills and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through the protection of their local church. Our hope is that by investing in these children long-term, we can help break the cycle of poverty within these communities.

OVC Kenya Children
OVC Child Partnership


Partner with a child by becoming an advocate! Advocates are individuals, families, or community groups that commit to partner with a child through both financial and relational support. Through their partnership, advocates provide each month for the child’s tuition, textbooks, uniforms, and school lunches, but they also have the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with the child through consistent letters and updates throughout the year.

Submit your interest through the “find out more” link below and someone will be in touch with you to provide more details about current needs.

Sponsorship levels are:

  • $35/month for a child in preschool or elementary school
  • $55/month for a middle or high school student
  • $110/month for a high school senior or college student
OVC Kenya


One-time financial gifts are a meaningful way be a part of God’s work in Kenya.

These donations are distinct from our partnership support in that they may not go to one specific child, but will be used to support the OVC Kenya program as a whole. This may include administrative costs, extracurricular or enrichment activities, and emergency funding for unexpected needs.

If you would like to provide financial support, use the link below.

OVC Kenya Pray


Pray for the children in our OVC Kenya program, that they may be taught the truth of the gospel, receive sufficient physical care, and be nurtured emotionally.

Pray for the individuals in our church who become advocates, that they may be diligent and committed in their financial and relational support of these children.

Pray for the churches in Kenya who care for these children, that they may be faithful in proclaiming the gospel, devoted to long-term care, and intentional in the development they are investing in these children.