
We exist to make mature followers of Jesus Christ by equipping them for a life of spiritual passion that impacts their home, the community, and the world for Jesus Christ.

Griggs Van Story
Culturally Engaged

Griggs Church Local Outreach Partner

May 8, 2024

One of our local Outreach partners is Griggs Church, located in the historical Poe Mill neighborhood of Greenville, which has seen economic downturn since the mill’s closing in the 1970s. Our work with Griggs includes providing manpower to run a three-week summer day camp for children in the Poe Mill area with Grace Church Student volunteers.

easter baptism
Faithfully Gathered

Baptism Raised with Christ

May 6, 2024

Celebrating baptism at Easter has long been a special time for our Grace family. As we rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus and the hope we have in him, we also celebrate those who identify with him in baptism. This year, over 65 individuals across all campuses owned their faith by obeying Jesus’ call to follow him in baptism.

GCDT Vision Piece
Culturally Engaged

Greenville County Detention Center Partnership

April 30, 2024

This past weekend, we learned about a developing partnership with the Greenville County Detention Center. Over the past few years, we have been making connections and developing relationships with staff members at the GCDC, and we are excited to see more opportunities to serve and engage both staff and inmates come to fruition.

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Prayerfully Dependent

Life Change Katelyn's Story

April 24, 2024

Sharing stories of life change is one way we testify to God’s faithfulness in our lives, connect with one another, and strengthen the unity of the church. This past weekend, Katelyn Holliday from our Downtown campus shared how God is teaching her to abide in him, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Kenya OVC 2024
Culturally Engaged

A Story from Kenya

April 17, 2024

Last week, a team of members traveled to Kenya to come alongside our partners there and host a medical clinic. Our team helped provide health, dental, and vision care for communities with limited access to healthcare. Although many stories of God’s grace emerged on this trip, we wanted to share one special story from one of the team members.

Stewarding Strength
Ministry Focused

New Ezer Study

April 9, 2024

This year, we have been excited to launch a new study for our women—Stewarding Strength. At the heart of being a woman created in God's image is using the strength God has given us to benefit others. Stewarding Strength invites our women to examine their season, their individuality, and how they can leverage their unique abilities for God's glory and the growth of his Kingdom.

veterans ministry
Ministry Focused

Veterans Ministry

April 4, 2024

Late in 2023, our Spartanburg campus launched a new ministry for veterans. These men and women, particularly those who have experienced combat, often feel isolated when they return to civilian life. One of our members at Spartanburg, Rich Brown, returned from active duty in the Army Guard after a 16-month deployment and felt this gap in his own life.

community health and resource fair
Culturally Engaged

Community Health & Resource Fair

April 1, 2024

This past weekend, our Care & Recovery ministry held a Community Health and Resource Fair generously hosted by Front Porch Housing! The goal of this event was to provide support for our community—specifically connecting individuals and families to local organizations who offer valuable resources and education.

gck seder
Ministry Focused

Grace Church Kids

March 28, 2024

Leading up to Easter, our Camp Grace kids learned about Passover and had the opportunity to participate in a Seder Meal together! Kids and their leaders were guided through the different elements of the meal and discussed what each part means.