Forge Winter Weekend


Forge Winter Weekend

Ministry Focused

We are celebrating a great weekend with our high school students at Forge Winter Weekend! There were 432 students and 186 leaders, staff, and volunteers who participated in this weekend of worship, teaching, small group discussion, and time enjoying one another.

The teaching this weekend kicked off The Sermon on the Mount series for Forge students, which reflects on an incredible moment where Jesus unpacks the standard of what it means to be a part of God's Kingdom. As we explore it with our students, we will see how God's Kingdom plays by a totally different set of rules than the world. Students will continue to study The Sermon on the Mount series for five more weeks in Forge. Please join us in praying that this weekend would be a catalyst in the hearts of these students as they dive into this series, and that they would be open to what God will teach them in the coming weeks!