David & Abigail

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
In 1 Samuel 25, we see David in a time of weakness. When he is rejected and demeaned by Nabal, he acts rashly and takes vengeance into his own hands. However, Abigail, in a shrewd act of wisdom and courage, is able to turn David’s heart back towards God. Reinforcing the theme of reversal, David responds to Abigail’s wisdom and turns vengeance over to God, who does indeed enact justice on the foolish Nabal.
Study Questions
In 1 Samuel 25, we see David in a time of weakness. When he is rejected and demeaned by Nabal, he acts rashly and takes vengeance into his own hands. However, Abigail, in a shrewd act of wisdom and courage, is able to turn David’s heart back towards God. Reinforcing the theme of reversal, David responds to Abigail’s wisdom and turns vengeance over to God, who does indeed enact justice on the foolish Nabal.Application
Consider a time in your life when you were offended or rejected. How did you respond? Why?
Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” How much trust do you put in your own experiences and perceptions? Do you rely on others to help you interpret difficult situations?
How do you respond when confronted with a perspective different from your own? Who are people in your life from whom you can receive correction and redirection?
Would you be willing to risk a relationship or your own comfort to confront a friend or family member who is making a poor choice? How can Abigail’s story encourage us in this area?
Consider the pace of your life and time you spend in God’s Word. Do you manage these areas in such a way that your heart is soft towards God’s leading? If not, what needs to change?
Key Points
Following Samuel’s death, we see David during a time of weakness. In contrast to the restraint he showed with Saul, David now acts rashly in the face of an offense.
Nabal is in a position of power and success, and this has paved the way for him to be selfish, arrogant, and insecure.
In contrast, Abigail is wise, shrewd, and courageous. Although Nabal should be protecting her, she risks her own life to protect him, her entire family, and even David. She aligns herself with God’s purposes at great personal risk.
Even in his anger, David is able to listen to Abigail, respond humbly, and turn back to God. Here we see how David is a man after God’s own heart. He is willing to humble himself and accept correction.
Like David, we must be willing to release the wrongs against us to God. Since God is able to accept Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross to cover our sin, then we must do the same for others.
If we do not know the Lord, then it will be difficult for us to distrust ourselves and listen to the wisdom of others. We must learn to slow the pace of our lives and let God’s word soften our hearts.