

Wisdom from Psalms Series Graphic

Wisdom from Psalms

For generations, believers have gone to the Psalms to praise God in joy and seek solace in grief. In these poems, we experience wonder, despair, …

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Self Made

It is a badge of honor in American culture to be considered a self-made man or woman. Yet, being the god of our own world …

Malachi Series Graphic


Have you ever wondered if God sees you, if he cares about your troubles, or if he has a plan for your life? Many of …

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Holy Week

As we approach the Easter season, we want to prepare to experience Holy Week beginning with the joy of Palm Sunday, embracing the grief of …

James Orange Series Graphic with Gears


To follow Jesus well, we need faith that is marked by action—belief that leads to obedience. Yet we battle our sinful nature every day. In …

Not Mine Series Graphic

Not Mine

The world is fighting for a piece of our attention, our resources, and our very identity. It normalizes our frantic search to find meaning within …

Short Books Series Graphic of Hand Holding a Stack of Books

Short Books

The Bible is both wonderfully diverse and strongly unified around the overarching narrative of God’s creation, redemption, and establishment of his Kingdom. Each book, chapter, …

Pentecost Series Graphic


Pentecost means “50,” marking 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection, and it was the day that changed everything for the newly born Church. Before then, the …

John Sermon Series Hero


The world began with God calling light out of darkness. Generations after humanity plunged into the greater darkness of sin, God sent an even greater …

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Imagine being taken from your home, brought to a hostile land, and forced to serve a foreign government. As Daniel and his companions learn what …

Ecclesiastes Background


All of life is a rich gift from God—both the good and the hard things. So why do we struggle to find contentment? Why do …

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