New Bodies

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Looking forward, Paul points us to a day when every believer will stand before Jesus. This day will be one of resurrection, judgment, honor, and new life. As believers, this day not only gives us hope, but it also drives us to get in alignment with what God wants us to be and do for his glory.
Study Questions
Looking forward, Paul points us to a day when every believer will stand before Jesus. This day will be one of resurrection, judgment, honor, and new life. As believers, this day not only gives us hope, but it also drives us to get in alignment with what God wants us to be and do for his glory.Application
We all experience big life changes that can be disorienting, both good and bad (marriage, divorce, loss, parenting). In the midst of those times, what specific steps can we take to align ourselves with God’s purpose for us?
God has given each of us a particular story. How committed are you to telling your story to others? When was the last time you shared your faith journey with someone else?
Paul calls us to “fix our gaze on things we cannot see.” Why is this challenging? What are some concrete steps you can take to orient yourself to God’s ultimate mission?
On the day we stand before Jesus, our true selves will be revealed. Is this encouraging or sobering to you? Why?
Key Points
In this passage, Paul points us to a future day when all believers will be resurrected and stand before Jesus. Looking toward this time orients us to God’s purpose in and through us.
Paul is passionate about telling his story of faith—he knows God has entrusted him with a mission to share his life-change story with others.
Even though our outer selves are slowly dying and we experience trials here on earth, we can rest in the fact that our inner selves are becoming more powerful as we share in Christ’s sufferings.
In fact, our bodies are temporary, and we can look forward to glorified bodies that will be able to bear up under the weight of God’s eternal glory in heaven.
At the end of time, we will all stand before Jesus and give an account of our lives. We can be comforted that the one who will judge us is also the one who took judgment for us on the cross.
The reality of this resurrection day should be orienting to us—we work towards God’s purposes, rest in his promises, and align our lives with his mission.