Easter: Have We Forgotten?

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Just as Jesus’ death and resurrection are inseparable in Christianity, so must our union with him in death and new life be part of our experience as believers. While the world attempts to lull us into complacency, we must actively remember that Jesus died for us. For only when we die to our sin can we experience the new life he offers us.
Study Questions
Just as Jesus’ death and resurrection are inseparable in Christianity, so must our union with him in death and new life be part of our experience as believers. While the world attempts to lull us into complacency, we must actively remember that Jesus died for us. For only when we die to our sin can we experience the new life he offers us.Application
To follow Jesus is to join him in his death—to die to your old self. Have you experienced a moment or season when you died to your old way of life? If so, what was that like? If not, what question does that raise for you?
As believers, we are to remember that we are united with Jesus in his death, and we do that through building rhythms into our lives. What rhythms do you have in place that help you remember your union with Christ? In what areas do you need to develop new rhythms (prayer, serving, giving, etc.)?
Key Points
The reality of the resurrection is vital to our faith as believers. The empty grave confirms that death has been defeated.
Paul is clear that if you are a follower of Christ, you have already died to your sin—your old way of life.
It is easy for us to fall into forgetfulness and get caught up in the flow of the world. However, it is our job to remember that we are dead to sin and alive in Christ.
In our carelessness, we often presume our sin is insignificant. Yet all our sin adds to Christ’s suffering on the cross.
We remind ourselves of our union with Christ through intentional rhythms in our lives—corporate worship, community, prayer, serving others, and giving.
The choice to die to self and follow Christ in obedience can feel isolating, but we need not live the Christian life alone.