A Highway through the Wasteland

Isaiah 40:1-11

A Highway through the Wasteland

Blake Payne

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

God sees the Israelites’ pain, even in their rebellion, and he promises to come with a strong arm and a soft hand to deliver them. We too can find comfort in a God who sees us in our suffering and promises that one day, all wrongs will be made right.

Study Questions


  1. Have you ever struggled to believe in God’s goodness or power because of difficult circumstances? How can this passage bring hope to those moments?

  2. Consider what keeps you busy or makes you anxious. In what ways are you prone to try and find hope or build a life in this world?

Key Points

  • The Israelites have sinned against God, and they face exile and suffering as a consequence. However, God still identifies with them and offers them comfort.

  • Our days are often filled with sadness, but we cannot equate that with an unloving God. He promises a day is coming when our suffering will end.

  • Iniquity leads to eternal exile. But God sends Jesus to not only free us from our sins, but through a double pardon, gives us a purpose, a name, and a family.

  • Our God is both a warrior and a shepherd—powerful and gentle.

  • Isaiah connects the hope of a saving King to a God whose promise endures forever.

Other Scripture References

Isaiah 39:8

John 1:23

Matthew 7:24–26
