The Bruised Reed

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
We can be easily discouraged by the injustice in the world around us and our inability to fix it. In his mercy, God sent Jesus to carry out his mission of bringing justice and peace to all the nations. We can look ahead with eyes of faith, knowing that our Redeemer will come again one day and make everything right.
Study Questions
What personal weaknesses or failings feel most significant in your life right now? What would it look like for you to embrace that weakness and turn to God for comfort?
We are called to live on mission with Jesus. How can you quietly and with humility seek to bring justice and peace to those most in need?
Key Points
While God has referred to Israel as his servant, the mission at hand is too great for any human. A greater Servant is coming to succeed where Israel failed.
Jesus will right all that is wrong in the world, and he will do it quietly, subversively, and with humility.
The images of a bruised reed and flickering candle symbolize how God’s Servant can restore life to the weakest and most broken among us.
Jesus’ work will also be thorough and complete. As the embodiment of God’s covenant, he will absorb cursing and bring blessing to the world.