A Warning to the Rich

Anderson Campus Pastor
In this passage, James adopts a prophetic tone of warning and rebuke. While we may not view ourselves as wealthy, we should heed his words, for how we use our money is a direct reflection of our hearts.
Study Questions
In this passage, James adopts a prophetic tone of warning and rebuke. While we may not view ourselves as wealthy, we should heed his words, for how we use our money is a direct reflection of our hearts.Application
Consider the notion of financial stewardship. How can you grow in managing your finances in a way that honors God?
Take some time to reflect on how you can grow in generosity. What plans or goals can help you move towards being courageously generous?
James consistently points us to the future. What does it look like for you to live in light of Jesus’ return? Are there any specific changes you need to make?
Key Points
James does not condemn wealth, but he is clear that we should use our resources for God’s Kingdom and not our own comfort.
The choices we make around our finances now impact our future. We will give an account to God for how we manage our money.
James warns against gaining or hoarding wealth at the expense of others. This includes how we treat others whom we may view as hindrances to our goals.
It’s foolish to store up earthly wealth and not have a rich relationship with God.
Jesus was willing to suffer in the present because he was oriented towards a future certainty of justice.