The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
As Jesus prepares his disciples for his death, he makes an extraordinary promise. While the disciples may not understand what lies ahead, they can rest in the fact that because they know Jesus, they don’t have to be weighed down by the unknown.
Study Questions
As Jesus prepares his disciples for his death, he makes an extraordinary promise. While the disciples may not understand what lies ahead, they can rest in the fact that because they know Jesus, they don’t have to be weighed down by the unknown.Application
When we pray about a troubling situation, Jesus invites us to release the outcome to him. Why is this challenging? In what areas of your life are you struggling to release the outcome to God?
Jesus is clear that he is the only way to be reconciled to God. Do you or anyone you are close to struggle with the exclusive nature of that statement? How can you invite God to help you in that struggle?
As believers, we are called to be part of what God is doing in the world. Discuss a time, now or in the past, when you were involved in a situation where God was moving in amazing ways.
Key Points
Jesus makes an incredible promise—he and the Father are working together to prepare a place for us, he will return for his people, and we will be with him eternally.
While there are many arguments against the exclusivity of Christ, we must return to the unique nature of the resurrection. The One offering us access to God overcame death.
The disciples want assurance—to see God visibly. However, Jesus is clear that he is the object of their faith. Our deepest fears and greatest questions can be answered in him.
Living on Earth is challenging, and Jesus values the faith it takes to ask him to help our unbelief.
Jesus wants to bestow power on his followers—to work in us and through us to advance his Kingdom.