Obey, Love, Abide

John 15:1-17

Obey, Love, Abide

Matt Williams

Matt Williams

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director

In this passage, Jesus uses the image of a fruitful vine to explain what it looks like to have a vibrant, intimate relationship with the Father. Through obedience, sacrificial love, and the work of the Holy Spirit, we can live fruitful lives and find abiding joy.

Study Questions

In this passage, Jesus uses the image of a fruitful vine to explain what it looks like to have a vibrant, intimate relationship with the Father. Through obedience, sacrificial love, and the work of the Holy Spirit, we can live fruitful lives and find abiding joy.


  1. Abiding in and connecting with God takes time and energy. How can you create space to invest in your relationship with God? What does remaining “in him” look like during your current season of life?

  2. If we are not living in obedience to God, then we will not feel a connection with him. Are there any areas of your life where you need to take a step of obedience? How can you move towards God in that area?

Key Points

  • Jesus is clear that his disciples cannot be fruitful apart from him. When we remain in Christ, we can have a vibrant relationship with God and be useful to his Kingdom.

  • The Holy Spirit produces fruit in and through us. However, we must repent and turn from our sin in order for him to work.

  • A fruitful life is borne out of obedience to God and sacrificial love for others.

  • Sacrificing ourselves to find joy and be fruitful feels counterintuitive, but it’s incredibly compelling.

  • Jesus modeled the fruitful life by allowing himself to be pruned, to be cut off from God so that we could have access to him.

Other Scripture References

Galatians 5:22–23
