Set Free

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Jesus answers questions of his identity by clearly claiming equality with God, and because his audience feels entitled and privileged, they respond in anger. We also like to create our own standards of merit. However, it is only when we feel the weight of our brokenness that we see our need for Jesus to set us free from the power of sin.
Study Questions
Jesus answers questions of his identity by clearly claiming equality with God, and because his audience feels entitled and privileged, they respond in anger. We also like to create our own standards of merit. However, it is only when we feel the weight of our brokenness that we see our need for Jesus to set us free from the power of sin.Application
One hallmark of a believer is consistent loyalty to God. How is that different from running to God only when you face a crisis? What would consistent loyalty look like in your life?
Jesus’ message does not resonate with the Jewish leaders because they do not see their need. In what ways do you tend to think of yourself as entitled or good enough on your own? Have you ever experienced despair as a result of understanding your own brokenness?
As believers, there was a time when sin owned us—when our master was the father of lies. Take some time to reflect on the reality that God has rescued you.
Key Points
In response to Jesus’ message, the religious leaders resist the idea that they need freedom from sin. They feel privileged and entitled because of their Jewish heritage.
Jesus acknowledges the reality of Abraham’s faithfulness and obedience to God. However, he is clear that his audience is not following Abraham’s example.
We also like to create our own categories of merit, but unless we reach despair over our brokenness, we will not see our need for what Jesus offers.
Jesus clearly claims equality with God, and it enrages his Jewish audience. If Jesus is who he claims to be, we must either offer our lives to him, or reject him.
Ultimately, our lives are not about us—they are about Jesus. He asks us to trust him and give ourselves to him in faith.