A Prophetic Witness

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
In the midst of God’s judgment, John observes the powerful witness of God’s people. Their message is consuming; however, there is a time when all seems lost. Yet like Jesus, his followers are resurrected and in the end, God’s Kingdom prevails.
Study Questions
John is instructed to withhold some information from his audience. How should this shape the way we study Revelation?
Our job is not to create lives that we think are best, but to bear witness to the great work of God. Consider the driving motivations in your life—does this ring true for you? What would it look like for you to bear witness to God’s work in your life?
Key Points
The solution for us is not to have more information. We were not created to know everything, and it’s a mercy that God withholds some things from us.
Throughout history and in the future, the kingdoms of this world oppose the people of God.
While many believers are oppressed for their faith, the primary struggle in our cultural context is being seduced by the world.
The Good News of the gospel becomes judgment to those who reject it.
We can expect to be treated like Jesus was, but we can also expect the same victory he experienced.
The suffering of believers will produce a great harvest that brings more salvation into the world than any could imagine.