Judgments on the Earth

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
Chapters 6–9 of Revelation introduce a long and terrible period of God’s judgment—The Great Tribulation—during which God will pour out his wrath against the sin, injustice, and corruption of the world. However, all those who belong to God and are sealed by him will be protected from his judgment.
Study Questions
Revelation 7 shows that God knows where his people are and how to protect them from his judgment. How does this truth encourage you, especially in the midst of hardship?
In Revelation 9, many who have seen and experienced the judgment of God in a tangible way still refuse to repent. How is God clearly making himself known to you? What is one way you need to respond to him in repentance today?
Key Points
There is only one who is worthy to break the seals of God’s judgment and bring all sin, injustice, and corruption to an end: Jesus, the Lamb who was slain.
We often think of ascending to Heaven at the end of our earthly lives, but one message of Revelation is that a better world is coming to us—Heaven will invade Earth when Jesus returns.
God’s wrath flows out of his holiness; it is not out of character for him to bring wrath on unrighteousness. He did this on the cross, where Jesus absorbed the punishment for our sins.
We are either on Earth protected by God from his judgment, or we are with him before the throne and safe forever.
C.S. Lewis said, “All get what they want; they do not always like it.” People are either captivated or repulsed by the gospel—a message of kindness and of judgment. In Revelation we see the outcome of both responses.
Other Scripture References
Exodus 8:21–23; 9:2–6, 23–26; 10:22–23; 12:26–27