Worthy is the Lamb

Worthy is the Lamb

Blake Payne

Blake Payne

Pelham Associate Campus Minister

This passage paints a glorious picture of God on his throne, surrounded by other-worldly creatures responding in worship. God’s kingship should also touch every facet of our lives, humbling us, encouraging us, and moving us to worship.

Study Questions


  1. Many of us say we are Christians, but functionally, we live in self-sufficiency or doubt. What can you point to in your life that shows God is your King?

  2. We are all prone to worship something other than God, saying it is “worthy” by giving our time, money, attention, and affection. What is that thing in your life?

Key Points

  • The scene of God on his throne in chapter four paints a picture of his glory, power, and sovereignty. All in his presence respond in worship.

  • Many of us want God as our Savior but not as our King. However, we cannot separate his salvation from his kingship.

  • God’s plan for the world includes judgment. And while we may think of judgment as bad, for those who are in Christ, it’s a good thing.

  • Jesus is worthy of our worship because he was slain for us. He still bears the marks of his sacrifice, which shows his connection to our redemption.

Other Scripture References

Exodus 25

John 14:9

Ephesians 1:9–11

Romans 12:19

Romans 12:1–2

Matthew 13:44–46
