Loneliness and Anxiety

Pelham Associate Campus Minister
In a culture where we have more connection and agency than ever before, we are overwhelmingly isolated and anxious. We feel responsible to make our lives good and create our own version of the truth, and the weight is crushing us. Jesus offers a better way, for when we surrender to him, we find rest and peace.
Study Questions
Jesus offers peace when we are willing to surrender ourselves to him. Is there any area of your life where God is prompting you to surrender control? What would it look like for you to surrender today?
God created the Church for us to bear one another’s burdens. In what ways have you experienced or observed this play out? Have you ever felt too prideful to ask for help?
Consider the role of God’s Word in your life. What would it look like to let God’s Word guide you instead of the self-made song of our culture?
Key Points
Our culture tells us that our lives are in our hands, and we are crumbling under the weight of self-creation. We were not designed to be in charge.
Life is hard and Satan is active, but Jesus has overcome the world, and he offers us peace and rest.
If we go to Jesus, we must leave ourselves behind. He promises to help and teach us so we can be transformed by his Spirit.
In God’s family, surrender is the path to freedom.
Our natural tendency towards being self made is isolating. In contrast, God designed the Church as a place where we exist to help one another.