Palm Sunday

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
The events of Palm Sunday begin the arch of the Easter narrative. Jesus stakes his claim as King in a way that is unmistakable. And while the disciples are willing to follow him without question, the religious establishment has chosen to rely on their own knowledge. May we choose the way of honor and delight in Christ over our own understanding.
Study Questions
The events of Palm Sunday begin the arch of the Easter narrative. Jesus stakes his claim as King in a way that is unmistakable. And while the disciples are willing to follow him without question, the religious establishment has chosen to rely on their own knowledge. May we choose the way of honor and delight in Christ over our own understanding.Application
Consider the disciples’ choice to follow, trust, and even delight in Jesus when they don’t have full understanding. What steps do you need to take to emulate their obedience and worship?
Scripture is clear that studying and understanding the Word of God is not the same as true faith. How can we learn from the willful blindness of the religious establishment in the story of Palm Sunday?
Key Points
Jesus is clear on his mission and intentional in revealing his identity as King. As he approaches Jerusalem and shows authority over the Temple, he stakes his claim.
Being a disciple is less about understanding and more about obedience. The disciples are willing to receive Jesus as he offers himself.
Both the disciples and the crowds are fully engaged in honoring Jesus, delighting in his presence. We too should praise him with passion and hope.
The greatest danger is when the kingdom of this world puts on the garb of the Kingdom of Heaven and speaks “lies so clever they sound like the truth.” (Eph. 4:14)
Those in the religious establishment, while committed to God’s Word, have created an idol of control which blinds them to who Jesus is.
While our God is humble and kind, he is not weak. We should not let his meekness create a pathway to presumption, for every one of us has a day of visitation.