We Choose Update Year 2

Teaching Pastor; Staff Governing Elder; Staff Director
At the beginning of 2019, we introduced our two-year ministry plan, We Choose, across all of our campuses. Using our Core Values as a framework, We Choose lays out for us what we are doing as a church and our desire to work in obedience alongside what God has put in front of us. This past weekend, Teaching Pastor Matt Williams gave us an update on each of these initiatives we have been working towards for the past year and challenged us on serving and giving. You can keep up with what we are doing over the course of the two years here.
Study Questions
At the beginning of 2019, we introduced our two-year ministry plan, We Choose, across all of our campuses. Using our Core Values as a framework, We Choose lays out for us what we are doing as a church and our desire to work in obedience alongside what God has put in front of us. This past weekend, Teaching Pastor Matt Williams gave us an update on each of these initiatives we have been working towards for the past year and challenged us on serving and giving. You can keep up with what we are doing over the course of the two years here.Application
Read Matthew 5:13-16. How are you currently salting the earth? Do you have any new convictions from this sermon? What are they?
GROUP: Discuss anything from the update that was new information for you and if there is anything you don’t understand. What ministry do you want to learn more about and how can you get involved? If you are already involved in one of these, share with your group how you have seen God working.
GROUP: Where do each of you think you fall on the giving guide, and where would you like to be? Has this changed in the past few years since we first introduced this guide?
Specifically using the giving guide, answer the following question based on which one you fall under:
- Consumer: Who do you know that is generous? Meet with them to discuss their motivation and practices.
- Casual: Why do you think you treat your financial gifts differently than any other monthly expenses?
- Reluctant: What fears keep me from giving consistently?
- Intentional: How much house is enough? What kinds of materials will foster contentment? These answers are unique to you—what would it look like for you and your family to place a cap on spending and saving?
- Courageous: Who have you shared your story with? Who can you spur on to give courageously?