We exist to make mature followers of Jesus Christ by equipping them for a life of spiritual passion that impacts their home, the community, and the world for Jesus Christ.
September 21, 2021
As Grace ministries and community groups have geared up for the fall over the past few weeks, we have also had the opportunity to rejoice with nearly 50 members of Grace who were baptized across all of our campuses.
September 10, 2021
Grace currently has three serving partners—covenant members who serve full-time in missions and are actively involved at Grace Church.
September 1, 2021
Last month, Grace offered a Health Screening Day at our Taylors campus. This event was open to the community, and several medical volunteers came out to provide screenings such as body mass index, blood pressure, blood glucose, dental screenings, and health education. All of these services were at no cost to the participants. We also partnered with Prisma Health Upstate’s mobile clinic to offer free COVID-19 vaccines.
September 1, 2021
Ken and Doris Bickel are members at Grace’s Downtown campus, and they have been going on mission trips to Nicaragua since 2012. They’re excited to be leaving for yet another trip this weekend. We had a chance to chat with them about their experiences, why they continue to return, and what God has taught them.
August 23, 2021
Over the summer, Grace was able to host two Ascend summer camps—one at our Powdersville campus and one at Pelham. Ascend is a week-long program for children and teens who have experienced the divorce of their parents or the loss of a loved one. We are thankful that over 40 children and teens participated this summer.
August 18, 2021
Many of our students were busy serving others this summer. One way our Forge students ministered to our community was through Mission Upstate—a local mission trip where Grace students and leaders partnered with Griggs Memorial Baptist Church and other local partners to serve the Poe Mill and Sans Souci neighborhoods.
August 10, 2021
A few weeks ago, Neil and Jessica Barley shared their story of how God showed his faithfulness through their adoption of a teenager. Not only have they been able to bless their adoptive daughter by pouring out God’s love to her, they have also seen God work in their family and grow their own faith throughout the process. Click the video below to hear their story.
August 9, 2021
This month, Matt Williams shared a new discipleship opportunity with our church body. We believe that death and dying are discipleship issues that the church needs to be involved in, and this has prompted us to pursue the option of natural burial—a way to shepherd our hearts and minds as we surround our loved ones in death
August 4, 2021
Thank you, Grace Church, for providing over 1,000 backpacks full of school supplies through our Back-to-School Drive! They are being delivered to children in need across the Upstate through Greenville, Anderson, and Pickens DSS staff; Grace Housing Ministry; Neighborhood Focus, and local school partners. We are beyond thankful for your generosity in this way, and we hope you’ll continue to pray for each and every child and teen who receives a backpack this year.