We exist to make mature followers of Jesus Christ by equipping them for a life of spiritual passion that impacts their home, the community, and the world for Jesus Christ.
November 29, 2021
At Grace Church, our mission is to make disciples, and our efforts are strategically directed to guide members through life in a lost culture. Whether relationships, jobs, or mundane day-to-day tasks, we believe all of life falls under the umbrella of discipleship, and ultimately we are either guided by Scripture, or by culture.
November 29, 2021
The last two years have presented a wealth of difficulty, and with travel restrictions, supporting our outreach partners around the globe has been a challenge. While we’ve been able to stay connected virtually, we’re excited that multiple opportunities have opened up to serve and support our outreach partners in person. See below for a summary of what’s coming up. For more, visit our outreach page or click on Bill White’s full update.
November 10, 2021
Since 2009, Grace has worked to build partnerships in Allendale, a county in our state that has faced significant economic struggles. One of the primary ways Grace supports local churches in Allendale is through Camp Impact, a six-week summer program for kids ages 5–12. But even when camp is not in session, the work in Allendale is ongoing
October 29, 2021
Walking through the death of a loved one is a complicated and difficult time. As a church, Grace feels responsible to shepherd members during this process, specifically through natural burial. Instead of embalming, vaults, and coffins, natural burial is a simple alternative involving a pine box or a shroud. Not only is this better for the environment, it is inexpensive, and most importantly, allows for Grace to support members in a tangible, intimate way.
October 25, 2021
Since its beginning, Grace Church has been on a mission to make disciples in local communities, which has led to multiple congregations worshipping in different buildings across the Upstate. One of these communities, our Latino brothers and sisters in the area, needed a church home, and in response, Grace en Español was launched in 2014.
October 15, 2021
Each year in Grace Student Ministry, leadership and staff strategically plan time outside of regular meetings for students to bond together as a group. While these retreats certainly include fun elements for groups to create memories, they also provide teaching and worship—a unique space where we pray expectantly for God to work in students’ hearts.
October 8, 2021
Transitioning from high school to adulthood is a challenging time for many, and for believers, a supportive community rooted in the local church is essential. Located near several universities and colleges, our Anderson and Powdersville campuses have a unique opportunity to disciple the young adults attending their services.
September 30, 2021
Each campus has its own unique journey, and Travelers Rest is no exception. In 2017, our TR campus launched at Travelers Rest High School with a faithful core of dedicated members. When the pandemic hit in 2020, they met under a tent at the new location at 999 Geer Highway and then moved the tent to Kings Point Academy, eventually moving inside at Kings Point. That’s four different locations over the course of four years!
September 24, 2021
This past month, our Foster & Adopt ministry hosted an informational session where our church body could learn more about fostering, adoption, and advocating as a guardian ad litem. Many members in our church are living out the gospel through fostering and adoption, and we are excited to help others come alongside children in need of a loving and stable home. There is also a great need for guardians ad litem in the state of South Carolina. In Greenville County alone, there is a need for 350 guardians ad litem and only 150 are currently serving.