We exist to make mature followers of Jesus Christ by equipping them for a life of spiritual passion that impacts their home, the community, and the world for Jesus Christ.
February 25, 2022
Men’s Roundtable is a ministry of Grace Church which lays a biblical groundwork for men of faith to take responsibility for and move towards those around them, all while depending on God. An exciting new facet of MRT that launched this past year is the Men at Grace podcast.
February 22, 2022
Grace has been partnering with local churches in Allendale county for over a decade, and it’s been a joy to see those relationships grow. One of the primary ways Grace supports local ministry in Allendale is through Camp Impact, a six-week summer program for kids ages 5-12. But even when camp is not in session, the work in Allendale is ongoing.
February 16, 2022
One of our ministry partners is JUMPSTART—a gospel-centered organization that disciples current and former prisoners and assists with re-entry to society. One of JUMPSTART’s current initiatives is the construction of Restoration Village located in Spartanburg county. The Village will provide a community for those re-entering society from prison in a setting that prepares them to be productive citizens. In this type of supportive community setting, participants will have more intimate discipleship opportunities and be better equipped to both serve one another and grow in spiritual maturity.
January 27, 2022
Ezer—our ministry to women and for women at Grace Church—launched a newly revised version of Redeeming Sexuality in the fall. Over the last few months, several groups of women have walked through this material together, and we have been excited to see God at work.
January 20, 2022
Mary Ezzell, a member of our Grace En Español Taylors campus, is leaving soon to work with our partners in Nicaragua, Christ For the City International.
January 11, 2022
Grace currently has three serving partners—covenant members who serve full-time in missions and are actively involved at Grace Church. One of these partners is Kristin Fisher, a member of the Taylors campus who oversees the ministry of She Is Safe in Myanmar
January 3, 2022
Our Foster & Adopt ministry has been active all year serving foster and adoptive families, biological families, DSS workers, and guardians ad litem in many different ways. As we transition into a new year of ministry, we wanted to highlight two areas in particular.
December 15, 2021
Grace has partnered with many churches and faith-based organizations around the world, and we are excited to announce a new partnership with fellow believers in Israel. Over the past few years, leaders at Grace have connected with the Association of Baptist Churches in Nazareth. This group represents the largest single group of Evangelical Christians in Israel today with 18 churches and a community of 3,000 people, serving mainly among the Arab population in Israe
December 9, 2021
Across all of our campuses, volunteer worship and audio visuals teams serve every week to create a worshipful environment for our congregations. This December, as a special “thank you” to these teams, a group of staff and volunteers hosted Worship Culture, an evening for our volunteers to worship together, as well participate in the recording of a live album.